Breaking Down Bari Weiss on Bill Maher
Two people who still, two years later, remain almost entirely clueless about everything covid, begin the public quest to preserve their credibility.
Note: The video being discussed is located here. I will discuss it in parts, noted below. Feel free to watch now, or watch in segments as I go through them.
A few years ago, when I was recovering from being a card-carrying Hollywood Centrist who voted for Democrats, I saw people like Bari Weiss and Bill Maher as truly thoughtful people who understood both sides of a debate enough to take controversial positions that seemed to conflict with the side on which we all, ostensibly, were.
Like them, I loathed political correctness and cancel culture. Unlike them, I was a free speech absolutist who would listen to anybody about anything cultural and engage them for as long as we were together. My job was to be out on the town and surrounded by people.
People who voted for Donald Trump trusted me enough to talk to me about it. They were good people. When good people tell you things you don’t know or don’t agree with them, perhaps it’s worth listening. How else do we improve?
Sadly, if you can’t distinguish good people from bad on a moral level, believing that everyone being bad in some way means everyone is therefore bad, and therefore not any more worthy of trust and patience than anyone else. Without trust and patience for good people - a concept they no longer understand - they respond only to incentives.
What incentives? Increases in social status, of course. Money, fame or notoriety, flashy jobs, free clothes, larger homes, donations to one’s imaginary life of philanthropy, speaking gigs, endorsements, blue checks, followers, likes, retweets. Or you can continue to rest assured that the thing they know about you will never come to public light.
All you have to do is align with globalist, technocratic politics and help them increase their image as you increase yours. If you’re good at it, all of this can be yours, right here on Earth. But your betters will make the choice for you, so behave, or else we will control you forever. Don’t worry, this belief is not religious at all.
Perfect house, perfect neighborhood, perfect spouse, perfect sex, and perfect children, but probably not the last part, certainly not for Bill Maher. He’s too smart and his life is just too good. Married couples in this social class often make the same decision. Traveling is just what we love right now.
We believe social status unlocks a realm of success whereupon reaching it, suddenly everything becomes okay and we are emotionally healed. It is a materialist culture’s image of Heaven, and lacking faith in anything God or otherwise, the pinnacles of social status seem a far more realistic climb.
As I’ve often said, the opposition is the Party of False Decorum. They are committed to the materialist’s quest for social status, or are at least conditioned to it. Simply being honest with yourself and others can damage social status, so the truth is cast aside. This is why most people in Hollywood believe everyone will stab them in the back, so they may as well go first. Casting the truth aside for oneself means a chasm opens between reality and the story you’ve told yourself. I stared into the abyss for far too long. I’m thankful it must’ve blinked while staring back at me.
What we see in the Bari Weiss/Bill Maher exchange is not two smart liberals just learning the truth and standing up for it. What we see is two diehard members of the Party of False Decorum still, after two years, being almost entirely clueless about the two most important crises of their lives, and mustering up the “courage” to tell the truth about ideas they’ve heard from the rest of us for years.
They are only doing it now because their peers have surely seen the same mainstream articles covering these “new” very dangerous truths and enough of them now know. They will not seem smart, and that isn’t the intent. They will seem edgy to people who think they are smart but are equally clueless about the two most important crises in their lifetimes.
As the cancel culture becomes more severe - and “cancel” is a euphemism for elite cultural mass-shaming in an attempt to remove someone from elite culture - the number of opinions Party Members can safely express decreases dramatically. They may rarely express these opinions in private, but never in public until it’s fully safe, because the authorities decide the expression is now allowed.
These newly available truths becomes the new slogans of the Party and soon, even the Party Members on the bottom rungs of the Party are allowed to say them. We now call these, essential workers.
Bari Weiss and Bill Maher did not “unleash truth bombs”. They were merely the first in the Party to realize it was now safe to begin repeating the new slogans. For that, they deserve no credit.
PART ONE: first 0:30
Weiss: I’m done with covid. I’m done. It’s like I, I went so hard on covid. I sprayed the Pringles cans that I bought at the grocery store, I stripped my clothes off because I thought covid would be on my clothes, like, I did it all. I watched Tiger King. I got to the end of Spotify. Like, we all did it, right?
Maher: No, we didn’t all do it. (He’s very brave!)
Weiss: Well, a lot of us did do it.
Bari Weiss declares that she is ‘done’ with covid! Hooray! The woman who admits to spending her ‘pandemic’ spraying down Pringles cans, ripping her clothes off upon arriving home like a horny mental patient desperate to self-satisfy because she’s worried about covid in her clothes, and watching Tiger King, reached the point most of us reached when our lives were intentionally diminished by our government nearly two years ago.
What does this say about the level of comfort in these people’s lives? It took nearly two years for them to have realized the systemic self-destruction being chosen for our country by their fellow Party Members was more than a minor inconvenience for paranoid hypochondriacs.
It took them actually getting sick of things to speak up, and that didn’t happen until it was already deemed safe to say something, even though hundreds of millions of people have been pushed into extreme poverty, we’ve seen drastic increases in domestic abuse, child abuse, drug abuse, depression, and suicide. Crime is spiking everywhere and there is a veritable invasion and slave trade at the southern border, but for them, it’s still racist to say that clearly. None of the suffering matters, because the ones suffering are not Party Members.
Does anyone believe Bari Weiss or Bill Maher’s lives have substantially changed recently? Were their jobs threatened for not yet boosting? No. Are their kids still schooling from home, causing them to miss work and their child to have her development stunted? No.
They’re just sick of it now that being ‘sick of it’ is en vogue, now that it’s safe. And I know, I know. But they said it in front of liberals. Oh, how brave. Not Caitlin Jenner brave - having Celebrity Face-off hosted in your home - but brave.
So Bari Weiss was deathly afraid of covid, one would assume when assessing her delusional actions in response. But, was she? Or was she absolutely compliant the whole time because she accepted the incentives to publicly adopt the notion that “better safe than sorry” was an acceptable justification for the ubiquitous and extraordinary dismantling of normal people’s lives?
If it wasn’t the latter, why did she only speak up once it became safe? They are still absolutely in fear of speaking more ultimate truths that they are nonetheless aware of.
PART 2: 0:30-0:44
We were told, you get the vaccine, you get the vaccine, and you get back to normal. And we haven’t gotten back to normal and it’s ridiculous at this point.
“We were told we could get the vaccine and things would get back to normal.”
A more compliant phrase has never been uttered.
Bari Weiss is claiming to have believed this even though it was told to her and her fellow Party Members by the very same people who not only created the virus and the vaccine non-FDA approved experimental gene therapy, but also told them “two weeks flatten the curve”.
If someone makes your life worse on purpose, and then tells you things can get back to normal if you do what they say, you are a victim of abuse. To that extent, I truly feel for these people.
But Weiss’ statement is not actually a statement of belief at all, it is only a fearful agreement to comply.
“We haven’t gotten back to normal. It’s ridiculous at this point.”
In addition to ‘two weeks to flatten the curve”, they also didn’t return things to normal when they said they could really crush the virus by wearing masks, then two masks. They have done it repeatedly with “vaccines” and numerous other mitigations. “Once we reduce cases…” “Once enough people get vaccinated…”
Does she not realize that a leaky “vaccine” that doesn’t prevent infection or transmission cannot therefore bring herd immunity?
The idea of enough people getting vaccinated with an injection that cannot ever achieve herd immunity is an absurd abstraction. And how can we ever reach enough when the definition is continually changed each time there’s a new “booster”? It’s not ridiculous at the point. It has only ever been ridiculous and smart people have known the entire time.
PART 3: 0:45-1:15
I know that so many of my liberal and progressive friends are with me on this and they do not want to say it out loud, because they’re scared of to be called anti-vax, or to be called ‘science denial’ or to be, you know, smeared as a Trumper. I’m sorry, if you believe the science, you will look at the data that we did not have two years ago (emphasis mine) and you will find out that cloth masks do not do anything. You will realize that you can show your vaccine passport at a restaurant and still be asymptomatic and carrying Omicron.
Weiss relays that sooo many of her liberal and progressive friends are with her on this, but they’re afraid to say it out loud. But not Ms. Weiss, not anymore! Now she has decided she must be the people’s champion, and by people, I mean Party Members who find themselves on lower rungs than hers.
She imagines herself outside of that group and obviously superior. She did, after all, write editorials in the New York Times. Remember, you can trust her because she was not as extreme as the rest of them, and therefore left, eventually. Once a safer opportunity presented itself. She would seem more boutique and less restricted on Substack while likely making a parallel (or better) financial move and increasing social status.
So many fellow Party Members on her social rung or higher understand this newly-acceptable truth, so once it’s completely safe, she will claim additional status for being the brave one.
Notice, her bravery exists only relative to people whose lives are so precarious they dare not speak, even now. Those in precarious positions know they risk their relationships with friends and family, their jobs, their reputation (perhaps permanently), and most importantly, their status in the Party of False Decorum if they fail to comply. If they continue to comply, or are extremely useful, they will be rewarded. If they fail to comply, the punishment will escalate until compliance is achieved. It will be meted out by the people they believed were the closest to them, because if they do not comply, they will be punished as well.
And why not just comply? They’ve made it this far, right? Continued silence might just be the smart play. Maybe things will go back to normal and they can just ride it out, working from home and only getting one or two boosters. They’re hearing what the shots do, but it won’t happen to them. People in their social class would never allow it to happen to them. They’ll ride it out, continuing to profit off the state of the world in relative (or exceptional) comfort and things will just go back to normal, just like they were promised.
Maybe they were chosen for the special club and Klaus Schwab will knock on their doors like the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. (Be sure to maintain proper social distance, Klaus doesn’t like to be too close to useless eaters.)
But Bari Weiss is not a useless eater. She dutifully repeats the slogans as they’re introduced. She is very useful. Her slogans are at all times wrong or spoken far too late. The Party wouldn’t choose them as slogans otherwise. Bari Weiss is at least somewhat aware of this, yet she repeats the slogans anyway. Doing otherwise would be unsafe.
Masks did not just stop working with Omicron. They have done nothing the entire time, and virtually everyone knows this. People like Bari Weiss pretended otherwise. She and her peers have supported different degrees of lockdowns and the acceptance (sometimes by force or coercion) of a program to inject billions of people with a harmful and experimental substance the Party does not allow us to ask questions about.
She has spent her ‘pandemic’ pretending she was doing her part to save the world by a series of things that have not proven, anywhere in the world, to have helped at all. The actual science never thought these measures would do anything and always advised against their use. Common sense and basic morality also advise against this.
People who parade about the world patting one another’s backs and pinning ribbons on one another’s chests for pretending to save the world by doing nothing are not “the adults in the room”. They are childlike in their thinking, intellectually and morally.
Their days in masks, their shots, and their promotion of lockdowns - that they largely enjoyed - saved zero lives. The consequences of their behavior will be felt across societies for a century or longer. They have systematically destroyed our most vulnerable people by age and economic status on a level not seen since the collectivist atrocities of the 20th century, the last times they tried all of this. The effects on fertility are still unknown, but what we do know is horrifying as we get data on miscarriages and hear of women in their mid-thirties entering menopause.
What we see is the elite social strata full of incompetents and n’er-do-wells who congratulate one another for saving the world by harming people who are not like them. They are currently on a quest to save the planet from the sun by preventing everyone from using plastic straws while billions of useless masks are flushed into the ocean. Which takes longer to break down?
Honestly, who do they imagine they are? I’ll tell you!
They imagine they are role models for the rest of us. The Nazi doctor, Anthony Fauci, has said he wears his mask to model good behavior. Party Members on all rungs did the same. Even now, as the CDC admits their masks do nothing, they continue to wear them. They have been told that, to some degree, they’re influencers. Therefore it is their responsibility to behave exactly as you’re told to set a good example for everyone else.
The rest of us don’t think or act so childishly because we are not still in second grade, mentally or emotionally.
What are Bari Weiss and her friends so scared of? They don’t want to be called anti-vax, or science deniers, or Trump supporters. You know, the things they’ve been calling us the last two years while they gleefully attempt to destroy our lives. They don’t want to examine their behavior, for fear of what they might find. Imagine having to do that and have your membership in the Party of False Decorum stripped from you?
These fears, it should be noted, are entirely superficial, but nonetheless real. They’re not afraid of dying from covid, dying from the shot, or the fact that their society is systematically destroying people’s lives and what that means. They’re not even scared of Donald Trump.
They’re scared of what the insanity of their peers and fellow Party Members looks like with another four years of Trump. They’re scared that they wouldn’t be able to keep convincing themselves that the lies are true. They wanted all of it to stop. But it hasn’t.
They are in a state of permanent fear of the possibility that everything they value about their lives can be eliminated in an instant by the culture they helped build. They constructed their own gallows, tried to make friends with the hangman, and now they’re simply waiting, trying to impress or entertain the crowd.
PART 4: 1:15-1:34
Most importantly, you will realize that this is going to be remembered by the younger generation as a catastrophic moral crime. Flint, Michigan, which I believe has 80% minority students has just announced indefinite virtual schooling. In the past two years we’ve seen among young girls a 51% increase in self-harm. People are killing themselves. They are anxious, they are depressed, they are lonely.
Weiss declares that “this is going to be remembered by the younger generation as a catastrophic moral crime”. That is true. But the rest of us will remember it that way, too, and we know who clapped along as the crime was committed.
Virtual schooling and increases in “self-harm” (another euphemism), depression, loneliness, etc… were not only obvious from the beginning, these conditions were among the reasons why none of the measures should ever have been tried, and the people who said this were shamed and censored.
Why are these grievous moral disasters performed by Weiss’ fellow Party Members significant only when they are harming minority students and teenage girls? Party Members are only allowed to point out the crimes of the Party when they can portray themselves as protecting the underclass as they define it.
Thank goodness she finally has her hands on that ‘new’ data, so she can wrap her head around basic and obvious moral truths.
All of the downsides were ignored. There were no real upsides. They were all Theoretical, based on nothing provable. They were processes set in place to achieve other ends. The ‘pandemic’ gave speculative nonsense, intended to inflict harm in pursuit of control, the sheen of better safe than sorry.
This was pure Scientism. Bari Weiss, Bill Maher, and their fellow Party Members thought their only responsibility was to obey The Science so well that other people would obey it too. The Science was true because the Experts said so. Theirs was not to question the Slogans, merely to repeat them.
The “catastrophic moral crime” was obvious from the beginning. It isn’t just the younger generations who are aware of that.
PART 5: 1:35-1:41
That is why we (emphasis mine) need to end it. More than any inconvenience to the rest of us, I think.
We cannot and should not pretend she is not saying exactly what she said. It has been an inconvenience to them. They are sick of modeling good behavior for the rest of us, because the behaviors they’ve been told to model, they’re now ‘discovering’, are absurd and immoral, as they always were. The masks didn’t work, but it was important to declare their allegiance to compliance, their complicity.
The social incentives and Party status derived from their compliance has changed. The new Slogans have been approved, so now they can maintain their social status by agreeing to the new Terms of Service. They will increase their status through their bravery and continue on as if they were always at the cutting edge of intellect and morality.
Who needs to end it? Why, Elites on the leading intellectual edge with outstanding moral clarity and unflinching bravery! We need to end it. Finally, those with the power have arrived to save us!
Her statement, just north of useless and nearly two years too late, was met with thunderous applause from Bill Maher’s audience, an audience I’ve been part of, in-studio, more than once.
Are they applauding because Bari Weiss and Bill Maher, throwing off moral scraps from their table, offer a distant glimpse at freedom? Probably not. Most of them like The New Normal. They like the mirage of VIP status they believe their compliance has conferred, the oasis just ahead. So says the Party.
PART 6: 1:41-end
I think it’s a pandemic. It’s like, at this point, it’s a pandemic of bureaucracy. It’s a pandemic of bureaucracy. It’s not real anymore.
“It’s a pandemic of bureaucracy”, she says, and then repeats. She didn’t want anyone to miss her well-formed quip. It was not a spontaneous realization.
It has always been a pandemic of bureaucracy. It has always been a catastrophic moral crime.
It has never been a real pandemic. We surely cannot expect Bari Weiss, Bill Maher, or the rest of our cultural betters to understand that for at least a few more years. That’s how stunted they are in their thinking, that’s how far behind.
We used to have a word for that.
When I was still on Instagram and widely popular in the Hollywood community, I often posted proof that covid mitigation strategies, particularly lockdowns, were “the greatest moral, political, and scientific failing in human history”. I began saying it in the spring of 2020. It was that obvious.
Saying this now, once the Experts in the Party decide it’s acceptable for public consumption is not brave.
Bill Maher later asked, “What are the boosters for?”
They’re for control, Bill. Control by people like you, but more powerful. The people you aspire to be and associate with.
Maher notes, correctly, another long-known and obvious truth: the experimental gene therapy does not, and never did, prevent infection or transmission.
He then repeats the Slogan about the “vaccines” preventing serious illness and death, which they do not do and have not done. The statistics are perfectly clear and have been. The pandemic exists mostly in the vaccinated and the variants are almost certainly a direct result of the leaky “vaccine”.
With “Omicron”, covid is now a mild illness, on par with the average seasonal cold in most people. It does not cause a high degree of serious illness or death in any unvaccinated population. The “vaccine” is not preventing serious illness or death from a disease that does not cause serious illness or death even in people who haven’t taken the vaccine.
The new Slogan Maher repeats amounts to getting a paper cut and then imagining the three bandaids you wrapped around your thumb are what prevented you from bleeding out. It is childish and absurd. It is not brave.
It is the sort of thing idiots would believe. The useful ones get paid to say it.
"Simply being honest with yourself and others can damage social status, so the truth is cast aside." In my experience, living in a blued out state, with a vast majority of people that are in a perpetual state of fear and loathing for people like me that did not succumb to the madness - it has been somewhat soul crushing. My family has turned against me and people I thought were friends are gone. I'm not sure this is ever going to end here in the East Coast and people like Barri Weiss don't get a pass from me now. I have so much more respect for people like Chris - who were not afraid to hold fast to the truth as he saw it and who also called out the madness in real time. Once again - a marvelous piece Chris. Thank you.
👏👏 Thank You Chris🙏