Sitemap - 2023 - Be Reasonable: with Your Moderator, Chris Paul
The Endgame 121523 - Donald Trump and the Doomsday Book
The Endgame 121323 - Truth, Redirected
The Endgame 121223 - Geopolitically Empty-Headed Elites
The Endgame 121123 - Free Speech Scraps
The Endgame 120823 - A Brand New BMX
The Endgame 120723 - Fake Primary Debate #4
The Endgame 120623 - Dictator Town Hall
The Endgame 120523 - Narrative Seesaw
The Endgame 120423 - Panic! At the Dictatorship
The Endgame 120123 - Goldilocks
The Endgame 112923 - Controlling the Flow
The Endgame 112823 - Buildin' Altars
The Endgame 112723 - Flying Car Bombs
The Endgame 112123 - Unhappying the Holidays
The Endgame 112023 - Panic! at Every Level
The Endgame 111723 - Panic! at the Economist
The Endgame 111623 - Our Democracy As We Know It
The Endgame 111523 - Uniparty Check-In
The Endgame 111423 - Rerouted Information Flow
The Endgame 111323 - Farewell to the Circus
The Endgame 111023 - Zero Accountability
The Endgame 110923 - Zero Trust
The Endgame 110823 - Fake Election Analysis
The Endgame 110723 - The Regime's Information Catch-22
The Endgame 110223 - Absolute Clown Show
The Endgame 110123 - Dueling Loyalties
The Endgame 103123 - Eek, Populism!
The Endgame 103023 - Back on the Regime's Page
The Endgame 102623 - A Long Term Emotional Commitment to Mike Johnson
The Endgame 102423 - The Uniparty Dynamic Worldwide
The Endgame 102323 - Uniparty on Full Display
The Endgame 102023 - Beggar Chooser
The Endgame 101923 - Clever Conflations
The Endgame 101823 - All the Leverage
The Endgame 101623 - The Five Families
The Endgame 101223 - Retellings and Retractions
The Endgame 101123 - When the Story is True, the Manipulation is Unnecessary
The Endgame 101023 - One-Sided
The Endgame 100923 - Untruth or Consequences
The Endgame 100623 - Disagree with Dear Leader
The Endgame 100523 - Open Season for RINO Tracking
The Endgame 100423 - The People's Voice at the People's House
The Endgame 100323 - Peekaboo! (Part 2!)
The Endgame 100223 - Peekaboo!
The Endgame 092923 - The Regime Who Cried "No Evidence!"
The Endgame 092823 - The Second Fake Primary Debate
The Endgame 092623 - What About Bob Menendez?
The Endgame 092523 - Insane In the Membrane, Insane in Ukraine
Audible Essay: A Story About Reality - Part 7
Audible Essay: A Story About Reality - Part 6
Audible Essay: A Story About Reality - Part 5
Audible Essay: A Story About Reality - Part 4
The Endgame 092023 - Views on Interviews (Part 2)
The Endgame 091923 - Views on Interviews (Part 1)
Audible Essay: A Story About Reality - Part 3
Audible Essay: A Story About Reality - Part 2
Audible Essay: A Story About Reality - Part 1
No Episode Today, Schedule for Next Week
The Endgame 091423 - A Soft Landing for the Fake President
The Endgame 091323 - An Inquiry!
The Endgame 091223 - Why Risk It?
The Endgame 091123 - Which Reality?
The Endgame 090623 - False Starts
The Endgame 090523 - One Long Government Commercial
The Endgame 090423 - They Did Nazi This Coming
The Endgame 090123 - 45 Statements
The Endgame 083123 - Gabon to Pick With You
The Endgame 082923 - Not Your Allies
The Endgame 082823 - Out of Touch
The Endgame 082523 - Plenty to REEEE About
"I represent everybody, I'm the President of everybody"
The Endgame 082423 - Debating Ratings
The Endgame 082323 - Saving 'Our Democracy' Worldwide
The Endgame 082123 - Very Natural Disasters
The Endgame 081923 - The Intellectual Kids Table
The Endgame 081823 - Fait Accompli
The Endgame 081523 - In Furtherance of the Conspiracy
The Endgame 081223 - Regime Changing
The Endgame 081123 - A Bit Unorthodox
The Endgame 080923 - Wagging the Dog
The Endgame 080823 - Reversing Norms
The Endgame 080523 - In Extreme Cases
The Endgame 080423 - Sucking Up All the Air
The Endgame 080223 - Coups and Narratives of Coups
The Endgame 080123 - Hunter Biden's 'Use Your (Dad's) Illusion' Tour
The Endgame 073123 - In the Eyes of Imaginary Strangers
The Endgame 072823 - Good Old Loopholes
The Endgame 072723 - The Cat Goes Baaa
The Endgame 072623 - The Limit of Mystery
The Endgame 072523 - The Reckoning Cometh?
The Endgame 072423 - Ultra Nuclear Domestication
The Endgame 072123 - Fake Fake News
The Endgame 072023 - Where the Power Lies
The Endgame 071923 - The Boy Who Cried 'Indictment!'
The Endgame 071823 - Also-Rans
The Endgame 071723 - Default Explanations
The Endgame 071423 - Foundational Misunderstanding: Our Elections
The Endgame 071323 - Judging the Character of Strangers
The Endgame 071223 - Cognitive Infrastructure
The Endgame 071123 - On Kayfabe
The Endgame 071023 - Reactions to Sound of Freedom
The Endgame 070723 - Dying on the Vine
The Endgame 070623 - Partial Retreat
The Endgame 070323 - Better Explanations
The Endgame 063023 - The Trump SCOTUS Wins Big
The Endgame 062923 - Foundational Misunderstandings
The Endgame 062823 - Narrative Insertion
The Endgame 062723 - Aphantasia // A Tale of Two Tapes
Invite your friends to read Be Reasonable: with Your Moderator, Chris Paul
The Endgame 062623 - ITT Pt 2 // A Series of Fake Events
The Endgame 062323 - On Informational Time Travel
The Endgame 062223 - Multiple Perspectives (on John Durham)
The Endgame 062123 - The Uniparty's Allies
The Endgame 062023 - The Return of the Redeemable Communists
The Endgame 061923 - Broken Seals
The Endgame 061523 - The Halderman Report
The Endgame 061423 - Happy Arraignment Day!
The Endgame 061323 - Reruns in Syndication
The Endgame 061223 - A Script For the Future
The Endgame 060823 - The Bounds of Debate
The Endgame 060723 - "BREAKING NEWS!"
The Endgame 060623 - Crime Spree!
The Endgame 060523 - Reality Wins
The Endgame 060223 - Slightly Less Censored
The Endgame 060123 - Can't Hear Trump, Part 3: Serious Issues
The Endgame 053123 - Can't Hear Trump, Part 2: Milktoast
The Endgame 053023 - Can't Hear Trump, Part 1: Big Red Button
The Endgame 052623 - Common Conversation
The Endgame 052523 - Ron! 2024 Post-Mortem
The Endgame 052423 - X Marks the Disease
The Endgame 052323 - Legal Issues
The Endgame 052223 - Step by Step
The Endgame 051923 - The Wheels Are Coming Off
The Endgame 051723 - Really Winning
The Endgame 051623 - Coup Softeners
The Endgame 051523 - Lines of Succession
The Endgame 051223 - Broken Anderson
The Endgame 051123 - Bloodbath
The Endgame 051023 - Sinking Feeling
The Endgame 050923 - Contact Authorities
The Endgame 050823 - Correcting Misdirection
The Endgame 050523 - Regime Malfunction
The Endgame 050423 - Contrasting Visions
The Endgame 050323 - Numbers Game
The Endgame 050223 - Put Down the Uniparty Mascot
The Endgame 050123 - Resign to Run, or Run to Resign?
The Endgame 042823 - The Only Responsible Choice
The Endgame 042723 - Can't Say
The Endgame 042623 - Finish the Job
The Endgame 042523 - Where's Hunter?
The Endgame 041923 - Preserving the Status Quo
The Endgame 041823 - Aligned Interests
The Endgame 041723 - Binary Thinking
The Endgame 041423 - The Great Unwinding
The Endgame 041323 - Disinformation Sh*tshow!
The Endgame 041223 - Getting Away With It... For Now
The Endgame 041123 - All You Have to Do is Notice
The Endgame 041023 - Free Advertising
The Endgame 040723 - Transparent Propaganda
The Endgame 040623 - Gateway Drug to Reality
The Endgame 040523 - Heavy Patsy Cline Tears
The Endgame 040423 - Arraignment Day!
The Endgame 040323 - Joechella?
The Endgame 033123 - Turn On the Bright Lights
The Endgame 033023 - What's Going On With Ron!?
The Endgame 032923 - Color Revolution Worldwide, Inc
The Endgame 032823 - The Cricket Burger
The Endgame 032723 - Anything For Control
Reasonable Conversation - Garrett Ziegler (founder of Marco Polo)
The Endgame 032423 - Regime Contagion
The Endgame 032323 - Teflon Don Strikes Again
The Endgame 032123 - Failed Archetypes, Dead Paradigms
The Endgame 032023 - The "Get Trump" Season Finale!
The Endgame 031623 - Indirect Signals
The Endgame 031523 - Below the Surface
Ask Garrett Ziegler of Marco Polo a Question in My Upcoming Interview!
The Endgame 031423 - Very Educated Conversations
The Endgame 031323 - "Take It" - the Bank
The Endgame 031023 - THE WALLS ARE CLOSING IN AGAIN!!! (and Also Collapsing)
The Endgame 030923 - Twitter Files 17/18
The Endgame 030823 - Narrative Pausing, Part 2
The Endgame 030723 - Narrative Pausing, Part 1
The Endgame 030123 - Celebrity Jeopardy
The Endgame 022823 - The Benefit of the Doubt, Always
The Endgame 022723 - "Conspiracy Theories" Win Again
The Endgame 022323 - Perspective Matters
The Endgame 022223 - Intro to WWIII
The Endgame 022123 - The War of All Against All
The Endgame 022023 - Fake Presidents Day
The Endgame 021723 - 81 Million? Prove It
The Endgame 021623 - That Said, Panic
The Endgame 021523 - What Killing Spree?
The Endgame 021423 - 1000 Mysteries at Once
The Endgame 021323 - Driven to Distraction
The Endgame 021023 - Gay Data // Biden's Acts of War
The Endgame 020923 - The Public's Perception of Itself
The Endgame 020823 - The State of the Regime
The Endgame 020723 - The Architect?
The Endgame 020623 - Sky Circle 2: Debris Field Disaster!
The Endgame 020323 - Sky Circle
The Endgame 020223 - I Don't Need Your Proxy War
The Endgame 020123 - Truth Slowly Emerging
The Endgame 013023 - Somewhat Suspect
The Endgame 012723 - George Soros Returns
The Endgame 012623 - Directing Evolution
The Endgame 012523 - Offers You Can't Refuse
The Endgame 012423 - The Great Document Extravaganza!
The Endgame 012323 - Party Like It's 2020!
The Endgame 012023 - Anniversary of Illegitimacy, No Regrets
The Endgame 011823 - Unpopular Choices
The Endgame 011723 - The "Trump Vaccine"
The Endgame 011623 - North American DNA
The Endgame 011323 - Polycrisis!
The Endgame 011223 - The "Fall Guy" Files
The Endgame 011123 - Second Verse, Almost the Same as the First
The Endgame 011023 - Defending America's Enemies
The Endgame 010623 - Take Me to Your Substitute Teacher
The Endgame 010423 - No Love for Kevin and Twitter Files #11/12