Well, geez, if THIS is the kind of work you do when you feel guilty for taking a day off, then you need to take more days off.

I am not sure how you do it, but this is yet another candidate for best podcast to listen to within many categories. Definitely bolsters my optimism.

I so appreciate all of your efforts, your intelligence, your moxie, your humor, and your focus...not to mention your perspective.

Happy New Year to you fine sir!

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Thank you, sir!

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When I heard President Trump give that statement I thought wait he's speaking as if he's the "Comander in Chief" ?! Then I thought whew, thank God!

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Well, gee, I really don't know what to say because everybody else said it all! Chris, you have a remarkable talent for laying everything out and making it all seem so seamless while not actually saying it all and leaving us to connect the dots!!! I SO look forward to your podcasts!!! 💕

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I don't have all the dots, so I can't give em all out haha! I'm learning all the time and considering new options. That's what the process is about about!

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I hope you didn't misunderstand me, it's a good thing that you don't give us all the answers because you make us think! I like that you don't tell us what to think you let us reach our own conclusions

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So much a guy could comment on, but you have laid things out, and brilliantly I might add. I did read a “107” post that really helped my “lack” of understanding about how things are, which is a nice way of saying “my own ignorance”... I do believe what we are witnessing is just how fragile “this system” really is... “house of cards” in a literal sense. Thanks again for your hard work... Your perspective is important to this subscriber... Best, 🐸🇺🇸🤠

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I am beginning to embrace the “chaos”.

Thank you for showing us how to laugh at it and enjoy it. 🙏

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You know it was a crazy week when last Monday feels like three weeks ago. Very cool of you to catch up with us on a Sunday and make it available to all, Chris. GREAT podcast.

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Thank-you so much Chris for your Perfect” podcast...A big shout out to Badlands Media and all that participated in the Congressional coverage for speaker❤️No way would I have watched every single day had it not been for y’all👏 I love you❤️You are incredibly talented and so delightfully sarcastic and funny🥰

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Thank you! 🙏🏻

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Through the eye of a needle wwg1wga.

So many coincidences converging at once.

The God's must be crazy, at least have a sense of timing.

Hopefully whatever the carrot DJT HOLDS is enough to keep swamp gas Kevin on the path.

As for you my friend.........I'm out of adjectives but I know this clarity is full on appreciated by the listeners.

I'll write a note so you can skip podcast class again when you need to.

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Can someone inform "Eyepatch McStain" that there is amazing reconstructive surgery techniques and glass eyeballs that make pirate patches obsolete? Perhaps he revels in looking like/being a "Pirate" ???

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This. Was. Awesome. Thank you so much!

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Chris you’re not crazy by far, I agree with you I’m on the same page as you. Trumps speech was indeed presidential and for him to have Kevin McCarthy on board as Speaker of the House, I strongly believe it’s a good direction on the right path. Trump knows exactly what his doing I never doubt him as others have his playing his card’s right as he should I’m happy and proud everything is falling in the right track. Thank you Chris for another smashing episode as always you never cease to amaze me keep up the good work 🙌👏🙌👏

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Such an excellent recap of that wild Friday night! I am old enough to remember life before C-SPAN, when citizens couldn’t watch any Congressional proceeding that the media didn’t show us (not that I was particularly interested, as I was still a teenager). Once we had C-SPAN, almost nobody watched it except during brief events of interest, like the Iran-Contra hearings, Bush v. Gore, etc. Of course, back then we didn’t know how corrupt the whole system was. Decades later, we have a clearer picture, literally and figuratively…and last Friday night was riveting, especially watching it with you guys on Badlands.

I totally agree with your assessment of the events; it WAS a win, despite our wishing we could have an America-first patriot in the Speaker’s chair. We know we’ll have to watch McCarthy and all of them, and hold them to account. And our real POTUS, 45, was amazing. Drop #497—a 5-year delta (!)—was amazing. How is Q not using the Looking Glass?

I turned the sound down during most of Jeffries’ ridiculous speech—did you notice he had some of Obama’s phrasing and body language down cold? 🤔

And then McCarthy stood up and delivered a speech that sounded like Trump had written it for him, and when he got to the bit about Washington crossing the Delaware and mentioned the Durham boat, I almost fell out of my chair.

It’s frustrating that most people won’t have picked up on those things, and that they’re being fed a Central-Narrative-approved version of events. I’m more than ready for the media to come down hard. Did you see the news from Brazil? You know how the MSM Commies are going to characterize that as they try to compare it to our own J6 patriots. God help us all.

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A terrific, beautifully written podcast that I can share and will hopefully illuminate some confused minds and many uninformed people.

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Haha they’re not written. And thank goodness. I’d never finish them.

But thank you!

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You came through! Excellent! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻✌️

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Another stellar podcast!!!

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