Thank you, Chris. Great podcast. It's actually makes me feel peaceful to realize how fake so much of it all is. I feel free of gaslighting. Once I know I am being gaslighted, the perpetrator loses power of me because now I don't have to react. Good. And it also feels good to know I wasn't imagining that things are weird and false. The truth is a great thing for one's sanity.

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The thing I don't understand is why those who are directly affected by these lies and manipulation aren't protesting more or even retaliating.

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Another humorous and thought provoking podcast.

Thanks Chris!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I appreciate your use of logic to dismantle the BS, while still dishing out snark and humor. Have a great weekend!

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…🎶 CIA 🎶… hahaha

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President Trump did win the election in 2020 but no one actually really admits it, to this present day they believe illegitimate Biden received 81 million lawful votes. I don’t care about Taylor Swift she’s a psyop so is Covid so is the superbowl everything is rigged fake propaganda BS I believe in god and I trust trump. Thank you Chris have a great weekend 🙏🏻👏

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Getting ready to listen to the show, my night time lullaby. Just wanted to mention the espn, fox sports, and others as a reason to quit sports. Some of the things these announcers say are entirely Marxist. Race is the hot topic, and they play it hard. Golf? Just remember the odd silence regarding Covid and vaccines. And ohh yeah, look at the money controlling the players. Looks like the regimes who’s who of the who’s 👀

Anyway just cousins/nodes further down the line from the Kelce Krap . As it relates to the info war, both will be used as vehicles for election propaganda. They will use every asset at their disposal. They must protect the false reality at all cost, get ready for a full on retard assault on logic, hurray. Hard to imagine such a thing considering our current state collectively. People just now realizing J6 was BS are retarded. People just now realizing the laptop was real are retarded. And lastly, people thinking Joe got anywhere close to 81 million votes are?…117 percent retarded.

GOOD. DAY. SIR. we applaud you!

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As always, great stuff and a wonderful training reinforcement exercise on how to find the ugly manipulation in the narrarive news. Love it.

Hey CP - Do NOT come back to Twix ;)

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Ling is a ding-a-ling

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One of the most amazing aspects of the false reality is the Joe Biden presidency. His campaign is a psyop, his family is a psyop. The Biden family was the Trojan horse. Trump was, and continues to be the bait. They were always playing defense, they just didn’t know it. They sure do now!

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Couldn't love this episode more. Sure hope someone takes you up on making that cartoon.

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Everybody is selling something and it’s not strictly for monetary gain. It’s like believing buying a specific laundry detergent is going to make you feel euphoric. Lately everything’s like a GoFundMe operation.

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