Chris, in this interview, do you think Putin was lying about anything?

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Lying according to whom? Did he make anything up? I can’t possibly know. Did he say things that our propaganda media will say is a lie? For sure.

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According to you. I thought you may have caught some deception on Putin's part that I missed. My question wasn't snarky and thanks for replying.

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Tucker was sitting front and center at the children’s intellectual kid’s table during this interview. His snarky BS was odd. Little zaps and zaps and disrespectful dismissals at times. The funny part was Putin. He wasn’t having any of it. I feel at a certain point Putin felt sorry for him. Answering his silly questions/attitude with grace and charm. Yeah man, it wasn’t what I hoped for.

My interview questions….rapid fire👀🚀

If I can figure out these topics in a few minutes, certainly he or his staff could have.

Asking about Soro’s woulda gone viral. Specifically in the NGO space, elections interference. Asking about his anti-globalist position. Removing central banks and Rothschild’s specifically.

Metabiota? Targeting bio weapons labs during special operations? Does it tie together in your mind. Biden and Kerry?

Are you concerned with climate change?😂

What happened in Syria? How did Trump remove Isis?

Have you heard of Skolkavo? Did Hillary try a color revolution in Russia prior to Ukraine.

Can you talk about Uranium One?

Waggnor Grouo? Was it a Coup attempt by your close friend? Did he die in a plane crash? What kind of propagandist war movies did he make?

Can you comment on Gaza?

Why do you think Trump was received in SA like he was? Was that a King’s ceremony?

And lastly, What are your thoughts on Taylor Swift?

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Re: "Why We Vote"

Chris, it hasn't been just since the 2010s...Illegals have been voting for over 30yrs... Many of us were addressing this in the 90s! In my opinion, if you can't read or speak English you shouldn't be able to vote because your information bank is limited and thus biased. And, bias is a real problem when people aren't citizens, because they then don't understand US history, having never studied it and can't possibly understand the importance of each choice on the ballot.

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I particularly enjoyed Putin’s CIA jab on Tucker. What was your favorite part?

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It was mostly cringe-worthy. I can't stand Tuckers fake, exaggerated facial expressions. I liked the historical dump by Putin, but I certainly don't think he's always telling the truth.

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Thanks Chris. As usual you made me think and even laugh a few times.

I had really glossed over the Tucker is CIA "hints" that Putin made but your comments tonight really drive that possibility home. Thanks again.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching Putin last night.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Chris, you are the guy I want to be listening to when the sh_ _ hits the fan. The truth is hard to discern in the media, but I seem to have a pretty good instinct because I also see the liars that you see, and I don't give them a pass. You have not lied to us. I'm sticking with you for the news and your dynamite analysis. Thank you.

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I will be there with you 👍

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Chris is the best of badlands Imho.

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Caught Power Hour, seemed the consensus was nobody cares about Ukrainian war any longer, and it was odd lead in to the interview. I thought it was a Nazi, bio weapons lead in for TC🧐If your looking for a story with Hollywood sizzle, it was sorta tee’d up for him. Nazi’s and Bioweapns are the peanut butter and chocolate of script writing, almost a default setting for the lazy wordsmith’s of Hollywood.

So yeah.

Here’s my line up for Vlad.

Why kick Soro’s out of Russia, why kick Rothchild’s out of Russia. Why create an anti globalists organization. Why not just get along with the way of the west? Why the resistance.

Why did flying go-karts out maneuver the IDF in your opinion.

Did Jeffery Epstein kill himself?

Is Barry married to a Larry?

And so it goes. The Ukraine aspect had a purpose. Perhaps it was a way Vlad was vetting TC on sincerity. He did nothing with it, TC that isl

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Isn’t Brian Cates a ConInc guy? Open to anyone in thread.

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JH, speaking of the Canadian convoy, said, "sometimes people just need permission from their peer group" I thought yeah, wait, I don't have a peer group. Then I remembered you saying "I don't have a network." Hang in there--together alone

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Thanks for a great episode. I admit - I like Tucker. I don’t worship him - but he is a voice, among other voices, that I appreciate. Your questions about Tucker and his motives are important. Just one point of fact - Tucker has done several pieces on currency and the collapse of the dollar in his final 6-12 months on Fox.

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Ah, for fucks sake! After finishing your Putin interview coverage with CannCon and Jon, I was going to finally sit down and listen to GMoney and PiP on Rugpull radio but now your latest show turns up. Too much damn choice. My brain is gonna pop. Where’s my coin...

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Chris I am so glad you are thinking and saying what I am thinking 😜😆 I appreciate you so very much !!!

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