Any time someone like General Betray-US spews this much nonsense in support of the globalist/Communist regime, I immediately start wondering what and whom he’s trying to protect. It’s obviously NOT the United States of America. And then I wonder what crimes he might find himself charged with when the globalist regime finally comes apart at all its seams and the truth is exposed. 🤔

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It just dawned on me, or I finally heard him say it: Schwab uses the term "directed biology".

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Love you thank you for all your hard work !!!

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Chris I’m not a person to lie but I have used google search for everything in the past until it kept asking me to share my location. I’m like really my location, wtf 🤬 anyways I use DuckDuckGo.com is that even any better for research or are they any others I should know about please feel free to share some unique techniques how to use my research better I would really appreciate that. I wrote down the one from yesterday’s episode centralpark5joggeratackers.com is that correct? Coming back on the discussion about Ukraine why do overseas interfere with United States? Can this solve anything on their own? Didn’t president Zelenskyy got funded by the fake president idk the exact figure amount on top of my head but what happened to all that money, now they’re asking for more ammunition? What happens to us if we don’t comply do we get bombed is that how it works? Under the trump administration we had peace no wars overseas with the Biden’s Clintons and Obamas bring nothing but destruction to our country enough is enough wish the war will end already too many lives lost. Thank you Chris for another smashing episode as always 👏

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That said ....sounds like Biden’s Build Back Better plan is happening over there

That said .... thank you for your commentary just wish there would of been a sky circle you could of talked about , lol

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Great program! "Darth Vader"...😏. Too funny.

Hey, what was the 1st day of dystopia??? I have a general sense, but you have a specific day I know.

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January 20, 2021, of course! The day they held a fake inauguration of a fake president. 😱

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That's what I thought, but I didn't want to try to count backwards...😏

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Unaugeration jan 20 2021

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