Feb 17Liked by Chris Paul

That $355M "judgment" really makes one wonder what secrets that judge might be hiding. Or whom he owes. He sure looks like he came out of the same clown car that most of the FauxBiden administration came from. Or central casting: Is Middle Earth missing one of the dumber orcs? Those clowns are all so over-the-top, aren't they? Their bald-faced lies have gone beyond ridiculous. How are people not questioning the entire cast?

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Feb 17Liked by Chris Paul

Especially good episode. Crucial perspective to consider during this week's clown show, great writing, and at least 3.5 genuine out-loud laughs guaranteed.

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Thanks! But there’s no writing haha

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Feb 17Liked by Chris Paul

Which is amazing! Your work is consistently that excellent, completely off the cuff. 🏆

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wait you dont write anything out that you say beforehand? That's amazing

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Notes for yesterday.


Nikki Haley DC - Trump posts - pledge

SCOTUS - read dem opinion

Immunity - +/- re ballot decision

Weissman audio - judges aren’t allowed to contest internal rules? 60 day

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Feb 17Liked by Chris Paul

Dense and incredible sentence at 19:10 >> "Being afraid of the story because you're not skeptical enough about what you're being told by the television puts you in a position where you are actively promoting the very thing that will make it harder for you to achieve your real goal."

It almost doesn't make any sense when I read it typed out like that. Your delivery is legend.

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Thank you, sir!

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Feb 17Liked by Chris Paul

Fascinating analysis, Chris. Thank you!

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Feb 17Liked by Chris Paul

Thank You Chris

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Great work Chris! Thank you, much love all

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One thing I can say about the circus (the old traveling show) is that it is put on by freaks. Freaks are the outcasts (the border people). I grew up in a time when the high -ly melanined and women were fighting to be casted in. Oh, they got casted in, all right. Freaks will expose themselves and do a show for a meal. The ring master of said shows gets a good meal or two because he knows how to orchestrate and what the ticket buyers will pay for. The ticket buyers are not freaks on the outside and the circus gives them superiority over the freaks. The freaks want to be accepted into the world of the ticket buyers and the ticket buyers want to "run away with the circus". The highly melanined women are center ring now. They are putting on a show. They are getting their meals and they are orchestrated. WHAT A CIRCUS

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So funny! Thanks to Chris, I haven't lost my shit!!

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Amazing info about Merchant and Roman. Watching her fumbling around asking stupid questions was getting on my nerves. Now I know why. Thanks, Chris. Clown show for sure. Don't we all love the loooong pauses in answering questions? It almost seems like they are giving the viewers time to realize how fake it all is.🤣

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I enjoyed your perspective on the Fani Willis situation. As much as I would love to see her go down in flames, allowing the trial to move forward and getting election fraud disclosure would be even more satisfying.

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It’s just a shit show. I am hoping this will be the time that Trump’s lawyers would be able to show everything that has been gathered on election interference in Georgia, proving it was rigged and stolen. I hope you’re right. I hope they keep her around. I don’t really care who Fannys sleeping with I am no longer shocked by what people do. It’s not like he’s five years old and she’s a pedophile. Fanny is using her skill set, this is something she has learned and is using her black privilege to her full advantage. I think she is comfortable with being a Bitch, bullying her way around. You could tell how she came into the courtroom she she doesn’t think anything of this. I would assume She’s done this before maybe not the affair but she’s used to having her way. I must say I think it was pretty ingenious to get the state to pay for all her trips. I guess that’s how the system works if the spotlight wasn’t on her she would probably gotten away with it. I agree with you Chris, people are so wrapped up in this part of the trial. I really hope they continue to let her try this case. That would be fun.

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Chris, we love you man, you are pretty much be the best out there, but it sure is a turn off when you talk to us like we are children…or worse yet, normies.

If you think the Fani thing is a waste of time, don’t waste time on it.

You promote sovereign thinking, then tell us over and over to not celebrate this or that as a win. You are assuming our position on this. You really think we’re gonna go back to sleep? Did you not say repeatedly that the awakening is only going in one direction?

I will just speak for myself. I do not care who anyone sleeps with. However, when a hypocrite POS like this is exposed as a corrupt fraud, or is in the process of being exposed, that is a win every time…and it is a win for the awakening.

The most important fraud, election fraud, is not likely to pop out in a single event. Yes, this case going away might further prolong that, but WE don’t have any control over that.

Furthermore, this is some of the best entertainment we’ve had in a while.

You are a fantastic source of education. But come on, man, you don’t have to lecture us all the time. Yeah, I get it, you often focus your materiel for specific audiences, but are normies and coninc the greater part of your following?

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I’m not sure why you would take it personally if the description doesn’t apply to you. And yes, plenty of people are on the fast track to going back to sleep. If you think this is a win and that it’s entertaining, you’re welcome to think that. I don’t think it’s either.

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If plenty of people are going back to sleep, I question whether they were actually awake to begin with.

From a high level, I figured all of this out in 2002. Given I had not an ally anywhere I could find for a long time, I set it all aside. But I never went back to sleep.

If having an opinion is synonymous with taking it personally, which it could very well be as they are both subjective, then fine, I'm guilty of that, but as you say, it is just information among other information.

I only offer my opinion because I want nothing but success for you. Take it or leave it as you choose.

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Chris is always trying to gently wake up the sleeping lions.

I dunno how that's directed personally at an advanced person like yourself. Roll with it brother......never once been disappointed by the high noon unmasked man.

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I appreciate your response Tom.

I am going to go a bit further out on this limb and share a secret...not caring what comes of it.

Most people do not know what it is like being psychic. Most don't even believe in it, but those people have not seen what I have seen and have not had so much confirming and validating results.

I don't apply my focus on most people, but when I do focus on a particular person (clients, sometimes strangers, people I am getting to know, people I know, or public figures that catch my attention), I can see far more than with my eyes.

I can't say what specifically I see in Chris or in his future; I don't see in that kind of detail. If I did, I wouldn't say anyway...not to anyone but him.

What I will say is this: what I do see is significant. Chris is operating at a VERY high level, beyond what I think he himself knows. Or maybe he does know and he is simply quite humble about himself.

I have never posted a comment to him that was anything but positive before the one above.

I always accept full responsibility for my own opinion and reaction to others. I normally wouldn't write anything. But I felt called to share my opinion with him as much as an experiment as anything.

I have no disappointment in him or his work. From his perspective, I am simply one of many subscribers. I needn't him do anything with any of my comments, but I was curious what would come of it, including how others might react to it. I have complimented him many times.

If I had Chris' private ear, and if he was interested, I would share more of my perspective, not that he needs any of it. I'm still working out what my role in the future is meant to be. I have done a lot of writing over the past 2+ decades sharing my spiritual and philosophical perspective of the world with whoever was interested.

I had strong suspicions that big changes were coming to humanity, but I will confess I never expected it to be like this. I didn't realize we had so much karma to work through before we would get to the best that is yet to come. And I didn't realize it would be this uncomfortable, this contentious, and this SLOW. I too got lost in the weeds and haven't yet found my new purpose...but I'm getting there.

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