Thank you, so very much for your thorough evaluation of your observations! I am blessed every time I listen to one of your podcasts. May God bless and protect you. 💕

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I don’t know who Sam Harris is but I did check him on Fb and I didn’t like what I was reading. Trump went to Palestine Ohio bc his a honest President and fake Biden went to Ukraine to take selfies with Zelenskyy can you imagine fake president goin to Ohio opening his personal checkbook to buy food or water for the entire city suffering from a disaster? NEVER Trump cares about the American people and all people in all races! Thank you Chris for another smashing episode as always ❣️👏

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I count my blessings everyday and Thank God every morning for this day , I just want to say thank you Chris for your podcast it’s amazing 🤗

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Thank you!

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I read everything from those stupid four Horsemen, myself. However, I actually have not come across the book by Hitchens that you mentioned on contrarians. I will definitely look for it. Where can I find the statement that you read by the Chinese official? Or if anybody in the comments can lead me to it I would appreciate it. Thanks. You are hitting so many home runs these days, Chris. God bless you.

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Twitter dumped him and found a new boyfriend! 😂😂😂😂


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Interesting podcast, Chris. I totally get that people care about how they're perceived by others...but I never have. Moreover, I've always considered the "desire to be liked" a weird handicap...though it's so pervasive, it's considered "normal."

In your podcast, you said something that my brother asked me, "Then how do you judge your own behavior? By what measure if nobody's opinion of you makes any difference?" And you intimated the same in your podcast, so I'll tell you what I told him, "I will never intentionally hurt anyone." That's the measure.

I say "intentionally" because my candor has often offended or caused hurt feelings; therefore, I'm a bit of a recluse, limiting my interactions mostly to friends and family and those who know me.

Honestly, I can't imagine negotiating business...or life, for that matter...seeking "friends," "likes" and "followers." (That would be my idea of hell.) And to that end, I feel extremely blessed that God directed me to a niche field of work...38 years now...where none of that is necessary.

Really enjoyed your show, Chris.

Thank you!

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Thanks for your great podcasts...people are learning how to discern and analyze due to the efforts of you and your colleagues, in addition to getting real news. This is the way the media should have been all along.

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Another great episode! I love getting to hear it on Day 1 now!! So I have a funny Sam Harris story - he may be an annoying leftist but he IS the reason I was able to get my gun! About 10 years ago I asked my husband (who happens to be a big Sam Harris fan and that's not the humorous part of the story) if it would be ok with him if I got a gun. He readily agreed and, having thought his buy-in would be my biggest obstacle, I relaxed and put the idea on the back burner for awhile. Dang it, a few weeks later he told me he'd changed his mind, didn't feel good about having a gun in the house. Shoot! (no pun intended). I was disappointed but let it go. A few more weeks passed and he suddenly announced he was ok again with me getting a gun! This time I didn't waste any time. I decided to not ask any questions, not wanting to rock the boat. In short order we'd visited a gun show, I'd tried out several guns at the local range, ordered one, taken a class, and applied for a concealed weapons license (since no longer required in my state). I surely did wonder what changed his mind! Some months later at a family gathering, I overheard him telling my brother about how a Sam Harris podcast about Sam's views on guns (including his apparent own) and the right to self-defense had changed his mind about me having one of my own in our house! (I don't think my brother even knew who Sam Harris was). I almost laughed out loud and have been secretly amused ever since that I owe my gun ownership to that clown Sam Harris! :)

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