Feb 23Liked by Chris Paul

Ah! I’m glad to know I didn’t miss the podcast yesterday; and very glad you took a well deserved break yesterday afternoon. I was concerned that my subscription had gotten goofed up because I’ve been unsubscribing like mad and cleaning out my inbox..

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If that ever happens, just check Truth Social and/or Telegram.

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Will do, thanks

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Feb 24Liked by Chris Paul

I have a habit of liking the podcasts before listening to them, hope that doesn't affect your network.

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Haha! Carry on!

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It's actually easy to spot the liars..Jesus gave us the formula of discernment when He said: "You shall know them by their fruits." Matthew 7:16. The "fruits" of leftist ideology is misery and lunacy, crime, homelessness, unending wars, poverty, obscenity, murder and abuse of children, sexual depravity, unjust verdicts, corrupt judges and politicians....I could go on and on but I won't. Chris helps us with discernment, especially when he uncovers evil intent, which is masked by their propaganda. The fruits of the Ivalny narrative and delusion? Increased tensions between US and Russia with threat of wa (evil). I appreciate this education.

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Spot on!

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Thank you. The more I listen to Chris, the awaker I get!

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It’s difficult to find reasonable voices that don’t sensationalize the issues or fuel emotional responses. Chris lays things out with logic, which helps to keep us grounded and focused.

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YAAASSS!! You know it’s going to be a good episode with a title like that!! 😂😂

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So just for a proper frame of reference: How may Taylor Swifts' can you fit in a Volkswagen?

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Oh, Chris! How do you constantly out-do yourself? I am so very thankful for you and all the thorough research you do. Life would be so boring and listless without your podcasts! You give me hope! And, now, I'm going to start the weeks listening all over again!

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It’s so true. We’re all so grateful for his insight and his reasonable perspective.

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Yes. Chris uses sound logic and facts in his arguments, unlike a lot of the yahoos attempting to debate him. No wonder they sound vaccinated. To what else can we attribute their brain malfunctioning?

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Laden or unladen! 🤣🤣🤣

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I couldn’t stop laughing at your asteroid story, I kept thinking about the Christmas song, “The 12 days of Christmas”🤶

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