In my case, also crying! We have to get the Faux-Biden regime impeached and removed as soon as possible, even if just for the children! That offense alone is enough, never mind all their offenses against Americans.
Chris, today's episode is an all time favorite 👏🍻👏. The commies, normies, members of the hate movement are exposed for the complicit, criminal and evil tools of the wicked. Fortunately, Putin handed the ball to our very stable genius. We are winning daily and you are essential to informing and encouraging many. Thank you! Be well and God bless you ✝️🌹🇺🇸
This was biological warfare committed by China weapon of mass destruction payed by us the US taxpayers. We all have known this all along, the democratic Party will go to extreme measures for control, we all know this was planned to get Trump out of office so they can elect the illegitimate president to destroy our country democrats destroy everything. Thanks for the laughs 😂 chris thank you for another smashing episode as always 👏
Heartbreaking story about the trafficked kids—and those are the ones who are relatively uninjured before they get here. It’s out of a Dickens novel! I would like to see a comprehensive list of the companies where these kids are being made to work. These abuses must not go unpunished.
Oh my goodness you had me laughing, you can make listening to the Covid stuff so fun , I just shake my head about the rest and pray a lot now , Chris it is well worth the 25cents per episode to listen to you 🤗
Great show. Had me laughing
In my case, also crying! We have to get the Faux-Biden regime impeached and removed as soon as possible, even if just for the children! That offense alone is enough, never mind all their offenses against Americans.
Lol you are on a roll today, Chris. Thank you for the info and the chuckles.
Today was a fun one to record.
Indeed, spontaneous laughter throughout 🤣
I could tell for sure.
Absolutely love your quick witted sarcasm towards the Commie Left! I find I’m laughing openly! Thank you!
Chris, today's episode is an all time favorite 👏🍻👏. The commies, normies, members of the hate movement are exposed for the complicit, criminal and evil tools of the wicked. Fortunately, Putin handed the ball to our very stable genius. We are winning daily and you are essential to informing and encouraging many. Thank you! Be well and God bless you ✝️🌹🇺🇸
Brilliant report!! Thank you for your hard work.
Perhaps Nigeria will take her out. "It is a global effort." ;-)
She’s a global figure. 🤷🏻♂️
This was biological warfare committed by China weapon of mass destruction payed by us the US taxpayers. We all have known this all along, the democratic Party will go to extreme measures for control, we all know this was planned to get Trump out of office so they can elect the illegitimate president to destroy our country democrats destroy everything. Thanks for the laughs 😂 chris thank you for another smashing episode as always 👏
Reminds me of the saying my father would say about someone ( a fool): “ WELL, he’s NOT ALWAYS RIGHT , BUT NEVER IN DOUBT!” 🤣
Heartbreaking story about the trafficked kids—and those are the ones who are relatively uninjured before they get here. It’s out of a Dickens novel! I would like to see a comprehensive list of the companies where these kids are being made to work. These abuses must not go unpunished.
Oh I forgot to say so sorry to hear about your grandfather passing 😔
Excellent work my friend... Keep it up!!! 🐸🇺🇸😁
Oh my goodness you had me laughing, you can make listening to the Covid stuff so fun , I just shake my head about the rest and pray a lot now , Chris it is well worth the 25cents per episode to listen to you 🤗