Excellent reporting Chris 👏 SVB is yet another example of, they never thought that she would lose. Strength and Honor are available to all who seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness ✝️🌹 The true reality 🙏 Be well and Press on! 🍻

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Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat can’t let a crisis go to waste ,next up CBDC ... when I woke up back in 2019 I asked God that I may be able to see the truth no matter what it was boy I am learning there is al lot of Evil people in this world , that do Evil things, , but I think there is more good /great people who will never give up the fight for justice and Freedom 😇 thank you for you podcast

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I agree with you Chris masks vaccines don’t work even the lockdowns was a waste of time, these commies influencers bribe the younger generation with anything to get them to take the VAX, celebrities don’t fall too far behind they use their platforms to get their message across.it’s sad what happened to Mitch McConnell did he fall on his head to get the concussion? We definitely don’t know or he probably had a blow to his body that caused his head to move rapidly back and forth that would explain his concussion from his fall.J6 was a cover up Nancy Pelosi took that opportunity to her advantage to make her documentary film how convenient. Remember when Trump said J6 was a set up he also said J6 committee were liar’s turns out Trump was right all along. Thank you Chris for another smashing episode as always ❣️👏

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I pray that Mitch was unconscious long enough to see the Light ✝️🌹

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Just a few points...In California, masks are still required in all medical facilities...and it takes all my energy not to lose my temper about the stupidity of it.

Being "awake" for a long, long time does not make for a happy life. Quite the contrary. As a kid, I asked questions that the adults wouldn't answer. ('70s: How come Mr. Soros can start and run NAMBLA -- National Association of Men/Boy Love Association -- when having sex with kids is illegal?)

No answers.

As an adult, I espoused hundreds of corruptions and contradictions that NOBODY believed.

Later, my children would say, "Mom, NOBODY thinks like that...or believes that...or how could you possibly believe that?" until my mantra was a consistent, "Might doesn't make right."

Doesn't matter HOW many people believe a lie...it still won't make it the truth. And I was called nuts, crazy, weird for years and years and years. Hell, to this day. So, gotta tell you, Chris, being aware of the false reality but still having to live in it, makes for a good deal of isolation and unhappiness.

You ARE right on the mark about "observation"! It was through observation coupled with my work (legal/politics) that was/is the basis of my knowledge. Before I could plead with my daughter NOT to get vaxed...she was vaxed, and had her kids vaxed, too. My son, however, though scoffing at what I was telling him, decided to wait. And eventually, enough supporting information came out for what I was saying...and so he never got vaxed.

I don't believe ANYTHING MSM says. Seriously, nothing...not even about the weather. Most recently, the news said we would have "A blizzard." I said, "PG&E is setting up an excuse to shut off electricity." Did a blizzard happen? No, of course not. Did PG&E shut of power? Yes, of course.

Because I didn't 'lock down,' I got to observe what was happening. Driving down the freeway, I called my husband and told him, "Not everybody is locking down. There are crews working on something alongside the roads." He asked if they were CalTrans (California road workers). I told him no, wrong vans, wrong clothes.

They were poles with cameras. I commented about this before and received a reply that asked, "Where? I live in Northern California and I don't see any poles." And I sigh...Did the person writing that reply actually LOOK? OBSERVE! Do chem trail deniers actually look up and observe the criss-cross checkerboard above their dang heads?

"Observation" is key...but a person has to have the desire to wake the F up. Too many, however, want to remain in the comfortable life of the lie.

Can't tell you how much work I miss because your podcasts are so thought-provoking that I can't help but comment.

p.s. Sadly -- and personally so -- you are 100% right about the justice system. It is severely corrupt.

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