Let me tell you something about Senator Kennedy since I'm from Louisiana and know what I'm talking about. He gets in front of cameras with his fake corn pone accent that no one in Louisiana has. You heard Clay Higgins lining up those tech crooks. Did he have a corn pone accent? No he does not. Well you are right on that Kennedy is all about the global regime. He signed all the send money to Ukraine bills but when he said YES to 4 billion to Ukraine the very same week he voted NO to a 4 billion dollar bill for AMERICAN small businesses, gyms and restaurants I had to write that crook three emails asking why the hell before he answered me with a nonsense gibberish response. Most people are entertained by his corn pone "wit" and you Chris Paul are the very first political observer that I have ever heard see through that phony. Confirming for me once again that the four Princes of the Badlanders are the tip of the spear

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Bannon says it too. Prob even first.

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big fan of Higgins here !!

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Hes the best. So glad we have him. He was a co signer of a letter from a large group of congressmen asking Kennedy and his friends about their refusal to sign bill for Americans and Kennedy only responded to my inquiries when I asked him What did you tell Clay? That phony crook.

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and us Texans have Cruz who is a mixed bag for sure

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What a great stream Chris!! Every time I tune in you are always on point and your sarcastic is perfect!!

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Thank ya brother! Today was a fun one!

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Joe L is in the house!!! Love you and Chris! CP, this was so good. I am beyond red pilled and a devout Roman Catholic. Satan came after the church first, everything else is downstream. Eyes up and heads down. The war has been won! 🙏

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One would think they’d have to destroy the true church first and everything would follow from that.

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The true church is within us.

You can burn all the buildings but can you kill everyone who has the God seed within.

Think about it...isn't what the jab did lucerferase blocks that access within people.

Anyway CP This was the fastest hour I've listened to. Thanks for keeping us on the higher side of the sinking ship.

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Outstanding from the gun to the close. He is living the dream. Thank you President Donald J Trump ❤️ https://youtu.be/lyV7kwMRzdo

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Justine Castreau, soon to be Justine Castrato ....

Margaret Trudeau and Ann Dunham, both of whom had a fatal weakness for being inseminated by third world commie politicians, spawned the garbage responsible for almost destroying North American wealth, culture and civilization.

Exposure and discrediting of that satan spawn, then exacting retribution for the North American people, will be sublime.

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Too funny: I always call him Castreau, and tonight while listening to this podcast, especially to Justin’s halting, mealy-mouthed excuses, said I’ll probably call him “Justin Castrato” now. And yes, “charities” that are actually money laundries need to be exposed, and they need to be GONE.

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your podcast is my absolute favorite and it’s not even close !!!

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These people are retarded guns don’t kill the individual who’s holding the weapon and pulls the trigger kills 🤦‍♀️ if Ak 47 was pointed at me you bet your ass I wouldn’t hesitate pulling out my P320 9mm semi automatic for self defense. Daniel Perry acted in self-defense. He’s not to blame, but BLM sees it otherwise they are not peaceful protesters, they destroy everything they touch. They have not done nothing for the black community, but sit there and criticize everyone and blame others for their actions. Thank you Chris for another smashing episode as always can’t wait for tonight’s story hour on badlands media you rock 👊👏

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Ps. Great to see you on Daily and Sean which I would not have watched without your heads up. So please make that a habit! Ideal possibility is correct. Trump/Kennedy 2024. Ok now I can go back to the podcast. I couldn't concentrate until I vented about corn pone Kennedy!

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Chris, I haven't listened to this yet, but when I saw it I wanted to tell you I can't wait until Story Time tonight!

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Great show today, Chris! Ty for the positivity. 💪 Too much twitter = black pill overdose for me. 😵‍💫

I needed this! ☺️👌❤️

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