Upon your recommendation, I went and listened to RFK Jr's speech at Hillsdale. I am almost shocked that he dropped the bombs that he did! [Not shocked at the data, just the fact he laid that much out there.] It is interesting that he hardly mentioned Covid.
Sure is going to be interesting to watch as his campaign progresses.
Thanks. I also just found the entire speech on Hillsdale at freedomlibrary.hillsdale
Definitely watching TONIGHT. while you're here Chris have you had time to read Will Golls latest he put up this week Urania? Been meaning to ask you. Lines right up with what you share about Hollywood. Good stuff.
It seems that the MSM finally has some transparency... being propaganda bullshit artists. So at least now it's easy to see what crap they're trying to sell. Pity for the child-brains that still can't see the sales pitch, when it's so obvious. ... It really disgusts me to hear the sweet, soft voices of people like Victoria Newland, Gavin Newsom, and Justin Trudeau, while they're shredding citizens' rights or pushing a phony narrative. ... Great show! Keep it up.
Why everything has to be pinned on Maga they don’t blame antifa it’s always Maga, the 21 year old jack texeira acted alone. I guess that’s what they want us to think there’s something off about the story Chris do you think the leaker is just the fall guy I’m not sure they were telling us the whole entire story, but you know government never reveals the significance behind it they only tell you what you need to know, and the rest of it is a lie after lie. Thank you Chris for another smashing episode as always have a great weekend 👏
The DNC will never allow RFK, Jr. to win the Democrat primary for 2024. Never. What a plot twist it would be if after securing the nomination for 2024, DJT names RFK, Jr. his running mate on a split ticket.
Hey Chris, Gateway pundit is saying Jack was present 1x a month on weekends, like I mentioned in earlier comment here. Records show docs taken on on a Tuesday Wed Thursday.
Many red flags about entire episode. Wonder if he will squeal.
Upon your recommendation, I went and listened to RFK Jr's speech at Hillsdale. I am almost shocked that he dropped the bombs that he did! [Not shocked at the data, just the fact he laid that much out there.] It is interesting that he hardly mentioned Covid.
Sure is going to be interesting to watch as his campaign progresses.
David how did you find it? I can only find clips?
Most of what I discuss on the podcast is in the info stream on telegram.
Thanks. I also just found the entire speech on Hillsdale at freedomlibrary.hillsdale
Definitely watching TONIGHT. while you're here Chris have you had time to read Will Golls latest he put up this week Urania? Been meaning to ask you. Lines right up with what you share about Hollywood. Good stuff.
On rumble entire episode
Another great episode, Chris. Ty!
It seems that the MSM finally has some transparency... being propaganda bullshit artists. So at least now it's easy to see what crap they're trying to sell. Pity for the child-brains that still can't see the sales pitch, when it's so obvious. ... It really disgusts me to hear the sweet, soft voices of people like Victoria Newland, Gavin Newsom, and Justin Trudeau, while they're shredding citizens' rights or pushing a phony narrative. ... Great show! Keep it up.
You never fail us, Chris. Thank you!
Why everything has to be pinned on Maga they don’t blame antifa it’s always Maga, the 21 year old jack texeira acted alone. I guess that’s what they want us to think there’s something off about the story Chris do you think the leaker is just the fall guy I’m not sure they were telling us the whole entire story, but you know government never reveals the significance behind it they only tell you what you need to know, and the rest of it is a lie after lie. Thank you Chris for another smashing episode as always have a great weekend 👏
The DNC will never allow RFK, Jr. to win the Democrat primary for 2024. Never. What a plot twist it would be if after securing the nomination for 2024, DJT names RFK, Jr. his running mate on a split ticket.
Chris did an excellent podcast on this 4/6 Gateway Drug.
Love your work thanks for sharing the link ❤️
“Trying to impress an imaginary Frenchman.” That is gold!!
Hey Chris, Gateway pundit is saying Jack was present 1x a month on weekends, like I mentioned in earlier comment here. Records show docs taken on on a Tuesday Wed Thursday.
Many red flags about entire episode. Wonder if he will squeal.