Ok, I'm getting flummoxed now. I need help. Kfabe is fake on purpose, and on the right? So lying is justified if it supports our own agenda? Or kfabe it's not lying....it's acting and really a comedy or a game of three dimensional chess. I should get a grip. Get a sense of humor. Get strategic. But I can't help but wonder what it would b…
Ok, I'm getting flummoxed now. I need help. Kfabe is fake on purpose, and on the right? So lying is justified if it supports our own agenda? Or kfabe it's not lying....it's acting and really a comedy or a game of three dimensional chess. I should get a grip. Get a sense of humor. Get strategic. But I can't help but wonder what it would be like if everyone just told the truth! I know, I'm naive. This is the fog of war. I get that, but it sure gets rough when I have to justify whatever "my side" does by inventing words like kfabe. This makes me recall Shakespeare's lines: "All the World's a stage." You think it's all fake and we are stuck in the matrix, but someday....we will enjoy a new life in a REAL world? One can dream.
Thank you, Chris. I appreciate your help. I keep thinking of the saying: "fight fire with fire," and that all you get with that strategy is more fire! I look forward to your next post.
Deceit is a weapon used by both side. They lie to us, our side cons them. Our guys need to not only get them to believe a falsehood but to react to it as well. Their reaction gives away their true intentions. It exposes them for who they truly are. And they world wakes up to see the evildoers hiding amongst us.
Ok, I'm getting flummoxed now. I need help. Kfabe is fake on purpose, and on the right? So lying is justified if it supports our own agenda? Or kfabe it's not lying....it's acting and really a comedy or a game of three dimensional chess. I should get a grip. Get a sense of humor. Get strategic. But I can't help but wonder what it would be like if everyone just told the truth! I know, I'm naive. This is the fog of war. I get that, but it sure gets rough when I have to justify whatever "my side" does by inventing words like kfabe. This makes me recall Shakespeare's lines: "All the World's a stage." You think it's all fake and we are stuck in the matrix, but someday....we will enjoy a new life in a REAL world? One can dream.
"All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages."
Well, yeah, this is the moral problem most people on our side are not reckoning with. I’ll probably discuss it at greater length today.
Thank you, Chris. I appreciate your help. I keep thinking of the saying: "fight fire with fire," and that all you get with that strategy is more fire! I look forward to your next post.
Deceit is a weapon used by both side. They lie to us, our side cons them. Our guys need to not only get them to believe a falsehood but to react to it as well. Their reaction gives away their true intentions. It exposes them for who they truly are. And they world wakes up to see the evildoers hiding amongst us.
Thanks, Ben. We see them already! 😵💫