Your really getting to the basic issues we have in our programming. It is really helpful to utilize your logical arguments in real life on the redeemable ones.

Thank you for staying ahead of it all and giving us solid discussion points as we try to educate the six degrees of separation we navigate in.

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Ghosts in the machine regarding these miscalculations by DS players. Or maybe they are just really stupid, but don’t think so.

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Hey Chris, just a final comment on quality of recordings on your podcast. I don't think any of us mind if the quality is bad if you consider that it is really that important that we listen to the actual recording itself rather than to your summary of or quotes from it. But since it's a podcast, your decision might perhaps be different than it would be were this a video (eg, where we could perhaps read lips or facial expressions or body language). We trust you to make the decision, but it is a bit frustrating to not be able to understand some significant part of a recording (esp. when it's someone like RFK,Jr who already has a speech impediment), and I would guess that there are at least some of us who would simply prefer hearing your summary explanation or quotation of it. We trust you. And we can always go find it for ourselves and listen to it later if we feel we need to. Anyway, another thought-provoking episode. Thanks.

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The ridiculousness will continue until morale improves.

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I didn’t understand RFK Jr was talking it’s like he swallows his words every time he speaks, I haven’t seen you in my Twitter feed Chris who did you piss off this time around lol 😂 anyway fantastic episode today and everyday thank you sir really appreciate you and your work.🙏🏻👏🫶

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I learn so much from Chris Paul…

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