It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. Great commentary Chris 🍻 Credentialism is crippling our society. Be well and enjoy your evening ✝️🌹🇺🇸🍻

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Thank you sir!

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Stollen is a German Fruit Loaf (off sorts). I’m sure some autist will dig on that and make true connection. Stollen, Germany. “The Oranges”, Prince of Orange. A leap, but another Prussian reference? Probably not but just flexing my dot connecting skills.

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This exceptional episode demonstrated the remarkable freedom which comes from permitting my brain to allow doubt.

You chose the one belief-as-fact which borders on religion for the vast majority of Americans: the moon landing of course.

It is essential to allow doubt about things presented and accepted as facts, precisely because it causes an almost existential angst (which I absolutely did feel, briefly). It’s really very revealing.

Everything is about emotion.

About the innate human unwillingness to relinquish certainty about presented established facts, I would simply observe this.

In this time of monumental disclosure and change, stop being emotional about what you think are established facts.

It will greatly improve your ability to reason, adapt and survive.

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I am completely on board with the idea that many things we think we know are based on misinformation or just complete falsehoods, but it seems to me the “best” lies always have a grain of truth. It seems that the threat of nuclear weapons can be a complete hoax without the existence of nuclear explosions being fake. Similarly, the threat of pathogenic viruses and ensuing pandemics can also be a complete hoax while viruses can still be real. This specific example is something I have firsthand knowledge of because, although I am not a virologist or an epidemiologist, I am a neuroscientist who uses viruses regularly in my work. These viruses do not cause disease but instead are used as tools to express non-native proteins in neurons.

I will not make any claims about disease causing viruses, but I have “infected” neurons with an “agent” that appears to have all the characteristics attributed to a virus. Before being exposed to this “agent” the neurons in question are not fluorescent but after this exposure they glow bright red when exposed to green light. We could just as easily design the payload (genetic sequence) of this “agent” to make the neuron glow green, yellow, orange... So call me naive but I have no other explanation for this effect other than the “agent” in question is a virus. I have many more examples, but I hope you understand my point--viruses can be (and are, in my opinion) real even if attributing disease to them is a complete hoax.

I raise this issue only because I want these important concepts to be seriously considered, so maybe instead of speaking of viruses not being real, maybe it would be more prudent to be specific about pathogenic viruses rather than a blanket statement that viruses do not exist.

Thank you for your work. God bless.

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There are clearances above TS/SCI, they turn into just letters after that. There's a special one just to be in contact with the President. I thought it was very odd he kept saying we can't discuss that in public, what's the point of doing this if you can't say anything?

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That was brilliant Chris!

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Had me laughing throughout this entire podcast. The description of the moon landing was hilarious. Your wit and delivery kill me 😃

It becomes more obvious every day the MSM = LIES.

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I'm right with you on nearly everything you discuss. But I can't buy your disbelief of the moon landings. I agree that there is a "moon landing hoax". But the hoax is that it was faked. I've seen many of the claims about how this or that couldn't have happened as it's been told. But I have yet to see any such claims that are credible. I was born in 1952 and grew up as the entire moon shot story evolved. I eventually got a mechanical engineering degree and am now retired from a 4 decade career of writing machine controls software. That obviously falls short of making me and "expert". But I think I am qualified to make some educated judgements. I'm not from Missouri, but you'll have to show me some very convincing evidence.

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What’s your evidence it’s not fake?

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Really? What's the evidence that the elections were valid? What's the e3vidence that the Earth isn't hollow? What's the evidence that Bigfoot isn't real.

You're the one supporting an unconventional interpretation of history. You're the one that needs to provide evidence. What is it that convinced you that the multiple trips to the moon were faked? Were the Gemini and Apollo projects also faked? Is the International Space station also fake? How about the Russian space efforts? And the Chinese? Did we not actually send missions to Mars and other planets?

I've gained a lot of respect for your opinion. I'd hate to lose that.

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You’re free to withhold your respect at any time you like. Bringing up other events you think were real does not in any way prove that the lunar lander was real. I even said that in the podcast. I’m not sure what you’re getting upset about.

You can take a few minutes online and figure out that the ISS was probably fake. You can find out that the people we were told were aboard the Challenger somehow remained alive, some to this day.

Nothing about the “conventional understanding of history” indicates that the stories are true and I don’t not therefore need to disprove them to you. Maybe you simply shut the episode off, but I addressed this pretty thoroughly.

There is no evidence that the elections were valid. I don’t know why you’re asking that.

I don’t know why you’re asking for evidence of a hollow earth or Bigfoot. I didn’t claim those things. I have no responsibility whatsoever to answer your hypothetical questions and provide evidence for things I don’t think or believe.

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Well, it's clear that this is going nowhere. I will continue to enjoy and learn from your podcasts and just ignore this issue upon which we clearly disagree. You provide more to like than to dislike. Thanks for your efforts.

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Appreciate that. The point is to keep an open mind. We’ve been lied to about a great many things. The lunar lander would be a strange place to draw the line, IMO.

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One afterthought clarification. I was baffled by your confusion about my references to the infamous "hoaxes" like secure elections, Bigfoot and the Hollow Earth because it seems to me that by denying the space program, you are placing yourself in the company of people supporting those other issues. I see now that there was an inversion in my thinking, as I support the truth of the space program and the falsity of the other issues.

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That's not the only inversion, though, and the other one is more important than the logical error.

There is nothing about WHO holds a belief that indicates whether or not the belief is true.

I am not "denying the space program," I am denying that the space program has done certain things because there is overwhelming reason to believe they have not.

If people who believe in Bigfoot or the Hollow Earth share my belief about the space program, that does not matter to me at all. What am I supposed to do, refuse to acknowledge the truth because of who it might associate me with?

I don't know anyone who believes in Bigfoot or Hollow Earth. Am I supposed to fear being associated with people I'd have to imagine??

I'm not scared of people thinking I'm stupid. They're welcome to. Maybe I am. I'm always happy to find out.

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Can you provide any examples of things that the space program claims to have done, for which there is "overwhelming reason to believe they have not."?

The only evidence I've ever seen purporting that the moon landings were fake, has been no more believable or verifiable than the things I've seen presented as evidence that Bigfoot exists.

Meanwhile, I find the existing evidence that the moon landings were real to be highly credible. Likewise for the technology required to accomplish those landings.

Do you also suspect the existing satellite technology that provides services for weather, and communications? Or is it only manned space flight that you find implausible?

I'm sorry to have already taken far too much of your time. I'm sure that you have better things to do than to try to straighten out my thinking. On the other hand, I am retired on a lovely Caribbean Island called Roatan. I've been here since 4 Jan 2020 and over my 3 1/2 years here, I've had my eyes opened to many things. It helps a lot to have your entire set of news sources replaced.

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I’m not making any claims about categories or anything else. I know that thing did not land on the moon and return to earth. That’s it. That’s all I said.

You’re going to have the time to look into this stuff yourself. I’m not going to attempt to prove it to you.

Have a look at this and see what you think.


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Here's one article that directly addresses the video link that you provided:


I'm not inclined to blindly accept a "fact check" from AP, but this one seems to do a fair job.

In general, it seems like you are falling for exactly the types of misleading claims that you so well document and warn about.

Astronaut training is done on Earth in pools, to simulate micro-gravity. The pools contain full size replicas of many components, including the ISS. The training is video recorded for review. When someone presents a video from NASA and claims that NASA purports it to be from outer space, why do you believe them? The existence of videos from a training pool does not in any way disprove the existence of videos from outer space.

It's not possible to prove that "no one aboard the Challenger somehow remained alive". That's one where the responsibility lies with proving that someone did survive. I've seen no evidence of that. Do you have some?

What part of the mission equipment do you think was made out of "shower rods and tin foil? I assume its the base section of the moon lander. This portion was left behind when the accent module separated from it to rejoin the orbiter. The same component was left behind by each mission and can still be viewed from Earth with a proper telescope. You can also find full scale copies of the moon lander in a few museums.

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You aren’t crazy Chris; Tim and Katrina are though!

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Hey Chris I know I’m late on everything I’ve been so busy catching up now with my Substack reads great episode btw I don’t believe in UFOS aliens or any other sort’s of other things but I do believe in God! I’m going now to listen on today’s episode have a good one Chris 👏

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Sowell has expoused that intellectuals always try to scare us, so that we morons REALIZE that we so need them.

אין חדש תחת השמש = There is nothing new under the sun."

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Jul 27, 2023
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Well thank you, but I wish you’d just emailed me. I don’t want you stressing yourself to be subscribed.

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