Okay but that’s you making a decision to rationalize why you should continue doing something that’s fake. Same thing applies to your NASA friends.

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Dude, they made way, way better tin foil back then. ;-)

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My three greatest discoveries during the “Covid Era”:

1. The Government doesn’t really have our best interests at heart (in fact, I think they may be wanting to kill us.

2. Women don’t have penises - who would have thought

3. Chris Paul (via Patel Patriot)

There is only one Chris Paul. Keep going Brother!

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One change...

1. The Government wants as many of us to die as possible and they don't care how and provide many avenues to death!

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Chris, you may have addressed this several years ago and a dozen times since, but who did the guitar work on your intro/outro

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I don’t think I’ve ever addressed that. The guy’s name is Steve Carlson.

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It is a catchy riff!! Definitely personalizing your intro/outro.

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Chris - I didn't get around to listening to this one until the next morning. Just started, have to finish it, but I am stoked to see so much engagement in the comments, maybe it's good I was late.

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me too, I get 1/2 way through, get excited to share it for red-pilling “friends”, then finish later.

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Good Lord man, you really do deserve a raise. Hell of a podcast today. I hope and trust that one day soon you’re going to be well rewarded for your contribution to our sanity.

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Great show!!

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Great advice to doubt everything and at least keep an open mind. Pre 2020 I would immediately blow of ALL "Conspiracy Theories"... Sad. Now, while I don't agree with or believe every conspiracy theory, I do not write any of them off. I will just tuck them away and move on continuing to collect data points.

Praying and and prying for discernment help the most!

I do often wonder why we woke up and I do believe God has a Plan so Faith is the most security I can find.

Drip, drip, drip... FLOOD! Each day it gets closer :-))

Keep it coming... keeps me laughing too.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Joseph Kronner - I agree!

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I know! I used to believe everything too! My husband and I started waking up when it came out about Brian Williams (he used to be our favorite news anchor) lying several times about having been in some very dangerous situation in a foreign country during an assignment. Like you said, he lied when he didn’t even have a reason to! From then on, we couldn’t watch the “news.” We just didn’t believe them anymore. And remember the exposures of the green screen situations where reporters pretended to be reporting from a foreign country and they were in a studio with green screens! Then we started questioning EVERYTHING else and began digging for the truth….and we’re still digging!

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That came out about Brian Williams getting caught in multiple lies back in 2015!

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Hahaha I’m amazed at how mixed my reviews have been this week.

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Amazed? Doubt it 😂

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My initial guess on Campbell's death was that he suffered a ruptured embolism or cardiac arrest, became unconscious and drowned. I think he was vaxxed, of course.

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Can’t argue with that 🥊

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The problem I have with big psyops, like not landing in the moon, is that thousands of people would be involved in keeping a secret like that, and I find it difficult to believe that many people could keep a secret like that. I have friends who worked and work at NASA. Christian friends. I don't believe they would lie about that. With the war in Iraq I could understand groups of people keeping secrets... Most involved wouldn't have to know because they wouldn't be faced with proof it was a lie. There are just too many people involved in most things to keep all those secrets. I've worn a tin foil hat since I was very young. I felt Kennedy was killed by our gov., Nixon was a scape goat, the Democrats being the saviors of the blacks, the reasons for the Civil War and the Vietnam War, and so much more...But the space program? Not sure I can disbelieve it. Just sayin'...

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How long did you participate in voting, thinking it was real? Do you still participate knowing it’s fake? That’s how they do it.

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This is a really good answer right here. What’s more widespread than voting. Before 11/3/20 I believed everything. Now I believe nothing. Speaking naturally here not spiritually

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I haven't trustted voting since I first found out that the CIA interferes with other countries elections, around 1985. I was an election cleark for 10 yrs from about 1985-1995. When I started we were using the IBM cards, with the chads...🙄 But about the first 5 years I thought it was okay, I thought people who got involved in working during elections would care and want to do give it their best. But the chads in Florida got me thinking...and watching the Bushes, especially the elder Bush (married to an abortion supporter), claiming New World Order, convinced me this wasn't the Country I thought it was. Before that, it was Reagan's 2 terms. The Republicans wouldn't DO anything to get passed what needed to be passed! Even though we held the House, the Senate and the President! I KNEW they wouldn't act like that if the were honest in what they said. So, we lost majority for Regan's 2nd term, and continued with nothing getting done...

I think being a Christian at an early age is why my eyes were open about most things! But the Space program...hmmm...

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Oh, yes, I DO still participate in voting because not voting is not the answer...I try to talk to as many people as possible about it and point out things that don't fit into the picture of a fair election...all we can do is keep pressing on, keep giving people information and keep praying!

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Elise Smith - NASA was very compartmentalized. Most employees had no idea what the those at the top knew. They sat at their computer screens and watched the fake landing like all the rest of us. Gus Grissom knew their hardware was crap, that they would not be able to do the mission, and he said so. Then he and the other ones on his team were murdered in that convenient accidental fire in the capsule.

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It’s much harder for me to believe the moon landing is real after doing many hours of research years ago. And now NASA claims they can’t go back because they “lost the technology.” One of the astronauts was asked how they were able to pass through the belt without burning up, he literally said: “Because we didn’t know about it then.” Add that nonsense to the oh so fake videos. And who videotaped them leaving the moon? How’d they get that video back after leaving it behind? And what about Nixon’s land line call to the the astronauts on the moon from the Oval Office?? I can’t even drive through the foothills of North Carolina without dropping phone calls...and this is with today’s technology compared to 60 years ago. Have you seen Stanley Kubrick’s confession on YouTube where he shortly before he died he finally admitted that he’s the one who filmed the whole moon landing in a studio? It really is not believable.

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I said above I don't believe anything and really I don't. They lie about everything. I believe they lie even when they don't have to. Your comment about dropping phone calls... Just good old common sense being applied. People don't do that anymore And I did believe everything before - so Chris talking to me when he said don't feel bad - people were wearing masks in their car! At least I wasn't THAT stupid.

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Do you have any links to any of those admissions? I would appreciate it very much.

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I’ll try to get them to you! I’ve never sent a link to a comment board before 😬. But I definitely will try to. You can also go on YouTube and search “Buzz Aldrin admits he’s never been to the moon” and you should be able to find them yourself. It kind of amazes me that YouTube still allows the videos. You can do a YouTube search on each of the things I mentioned and probably find all of them that way. There’s really quite overwhelming evidence :)

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How do I send you a link?

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Here’s another (very short) interesting link showing how NASA lied about the challenger “deaths.” I hope this works…

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👆🏼Stanley Kubrick’s confession

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Oh, and Buzz Aldrin has now been videotaped over four times (that I’ve seen, so it may be even more times) admitting that they never went to the moon.

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Think of the thousands of ppl who were brainwashed into taking the jab! We just watched it happen! They have mind manipulation down to a science. A few thousand would be nothing for them to manipulate. It will be fun to one day learn the details of how they did it.

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Q u e s t i o n

absolutely everything ❤️

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Baaa haaa ha 👏😂 Fish go blurb, what does the 🦊 say?


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I love Chris taking us through thought processes on logic . His analogies are amazing and so relatable. Thanks!

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Clinton body count is a real thing. Now we have the Obama body count. Didn't he once say "I'm good at killing people"?

It was only a few years ago I learned about the murders committed by Lyndon B Johnson. He was ruthless, with no qualms about offing anyone who knew or saw too much, or got in his way to power.

Including JFK.

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