Always love your Ben Shapiro impersonation! I'm ashamed to admit that I was a Daily Wire subscriber until the mid-terms last year. The day after the mid-terms I was listening to Matt Walsh rant about how ridiculous it was that Dr. Oz couldn't even beat Fetterman, as if that was a completely legitimate election! That's what finally awakened me to what DW is really all about. I stopped Walsh's show in the middle, canceled my DW subscription, and immediately became a paid subscriber to your show and the substacks of several other Badlanders. I'm a much happier person now because the content I take in is so much healthier. Thanks for all your great work! Keep it up!

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Wow haha. That’s awesome.

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What took you so long? Welcome in.

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I know, definitely shouldn't have taken me that long. Thank you, very glad to be here!

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I had a similar experience with DW. I had a subscription for a while and thought they were on my team, but for me it was their failure to see Donald Trump as the one (and almost the only one) we could trust that led me to completely break up with them. I have zero patience for Trump bashers.

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Didn't realize 'McCain' could be used as a verb.

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I didn’t either, but Ron! made it possible.

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Speaking of “Mccained” do you follow Joe Rambo? Can I trust?

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I do follow him. Can you trust him? How do I know? I’ve never met him. Don’t trust anyone.

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Thats my normal default but he says stuff I really want to be true which is why I asked. But Ill just have to wait and see if it maps!

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How can I find Joe Rambo? I’d like to check him out.

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Lynn he's on Twitter (X) just search Joe Rambo. Im looking at it right now

Joe Rambo @BrainStorm_Joe. He has a pic of Sylvester stallones Rambo got his pic. it actually says followed by Patrick Gunnels, Chris Paul and Burning Bright which I had not noticed before but I would have asked Chris about him anyway.

Read through that stream he has and click on the blue "show mores" and watch the video clips he has of Trump they're short but go down a ways and read all he has there. What got me were the videos. Its all kinds of stuff I want to be true! Ha. Follow all the little trails - its entertaining if nothing else! He has one of that little witch Meghan McCain saying well they can't kill my dad again. Thats what prompted me to ask about him today. and be sure you go far enough to see the Trump "I was chosen" one. I guess those videos are real ?? But who knows

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I just Asa'ed in my pants laughing at that one

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The verb "McCained" can also be used to refer to execution for treason.

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I’ve got a Steve Deace story for you. My husband watches him religiously over the past few years and we were watching the Blaze’s coverage on election night 2020 and the next morning. Steve Deace was so deep into the details, and absolutely knew that massive fraud had occurred with all the stoppages, and 3 AM drops, etc. and he voiced his concerns vehemently that it had been stolen. Apparently, YouTube demonetized the entire Blaze account the next day because of his comments. He must’ve gotten reamed for that and said that he was not going to talk about the stolen election anymore because that money employed a couple thousand people and he didn’t want to be responsible for them not being able to feed their families. So, over the past three years, he has talked about other stuff instead. The past 18 months he has been saying that while he knows the election was stolen from Trump, he thinks that if Trump had not “surrendered his presidency to Fauci,” he would’ve gotten way more votes and would’ve been able to overcome the fraud. Sadly, my husband pretty much quotes that same concept now and is a Ron guy 100%. Can you believe it? So frustrating!

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That’s absolutely crazy. Steve Deace surrendered, not Trump. Trump is a still fighting. Deace took the money and ran and tried to make himself a hero. What a pathetic loser. I can’t wait to watch this whole Ron! thing crash and burn once and for all.

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Yep. I lost all respect for Deace after that. And of course he says the vaccines are Trump’s fault and he needs to claim responsibility, blah blah blah. I dumped the Blaze and found things like X22 and discovered telegram, and then eventually Devolution, and then Badlands. I can’t wait for GART to meet you and many others like us!

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Do you know which episode Deace said that on?

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It would’ve been one of them within the first few days after November 3, 2020. I’ll see if I can get my husband to tell me and get back to you.

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Ok, he recalls that the demonetization happened right away, like the morning afterwards, Nov. 4th and that Deace mentioned it that same day or the next one.

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Okay I’ll try to locate it

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I love hearing about the different routes people took to get here.

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I do too Brandon. I loved your story. I came through x22 like Windy when he interviewed Jon about devolution then followed Jon to badlands and to BB when he was just a tiger and then to Chris. I’ve never been exposed to con inc though thank God! I was just in the wilderness till X. I think a lot of us owe ol Dave at X22 more than we can ever repay him!

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Chris this is one of your best “The truth about Ron DEEE Santis” episodes. There is so much subliminal messaging here - i am sending it to a few GOPe’s who need a life rope. This is a GOPe-A-Dope!

Keep Barking!!

I hope DJT is reading your work!!

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Rhonda's field of dreams photo op, and all the others, pretending to be "everyman", when he is not man enough to be FL governor, or speak out about the political persecution of Trump, THAT is what we hate about politics and phony politicians.

That is why many of us voted for Ross Perot way back.

These phony posers have no backbone, and are simply paid-for puppets of their benefactor masters.

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Florida is getting hit by...an Onion?

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I'll be here in Central Florida for Idalia. I'll let you know if DeSantis contributed enough 🤣

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Good luck to you guys. I’m in Brevard County.

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Just here on a short trip. Hopefully driving out Thursday.

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What a good podcast today! Thanks for compiling all the ‘Trump is not a racist’ proofs. I’m going to try to get my brainwashed grown daughter to listen to this one..

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Outstanding Chris 👏 I hope Patrick tuned in, he would appreciate your Shapiro 😎. So many great comments. Be well and enjoy your everyday 🍻

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DEEEESantis was a “grinny, grin” mediocre congressman….He came off phony back then…

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DeSantimonious is a walking DeSaster he knows that he has zero chance of winning the nomination, so now he’s kissing everyone’s a****s so maybe he hope’s to get at least a cabinet position. What a lowlife POS I’m sitting here patiently waiting for him to fall and everything backfires right back in his face that would be hilarious 😂 to watch. Thank you Chris for another smashing episode as always and Thank You 🙏🏻 for always being you 🫶🙌👏

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Outstanding analysis as always. You help me think more critically lol is that even a sentence lol seriously. Thank you Dude!

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Listening to this made me think I should share if you want to hear some great patriotic music look up Billy Falcon on YouTube his videos are amazing here are some titles

Never Surrender


Unless Eaters


Hold on

Heaven hears the children cry

I think you would love them too 😊

# Joe Biden Will never be President

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Shapiro sounds like Mickey Mouse on crack.

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