Excellent as always Chris, and just loved the ending with Jon Voight too!

With all these shenanigans of these bad players, there is something wonderful that's coming out of this, we who are awake are learning and focusing on the rule of law, learning our Constitution maybe for the first time ever, and that's a huge thing, whereas we may have been lackadaisical before.

We are arming ourselves, locked and loaded so to speak with the law of the land.

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Hahaha, hey I use to read Dick Tracy comics.... good episode Chris 👍🏽👍🏽🔥🔥

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Looking ahead, I’ve been assuming if/when mid-terms give Republicans control of Congress they will initiate impeachment proceedings against biden . Any thoughts on what will be done about Kamala? She would be bad but could she be any worse than biden? She would just be controlled tightly by ... whoever is tightly controlling biden, whoever is propping him up & telling him what to say in support of their plans. Pelosi would also be gone, at least as Speaker.

Thank you as always for your work.

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Love the episode! Look forward to a new one every day.

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