Hey Chris, go to Brookings Institute for a road map of Fani Willis indictment. Norm Eisen, chief author. Us govt gave 1.2 mil grant (taxpayer dollars) to Brookings to write this report in 2 parts. Fani cut and pasted indictments in Georgia.

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Yep, discussed this on the podcast last week.

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And since you talked about Alex Jones and how they went after him to censor him - he was right about Sandy Hook. Regardless, as you said, he had a right to SAY what he thought.

The one who should be brought to trial is Obama, who lied to America about children dying at Sandy Hook, and cried CROCODILE tears. He's a disgusting evil piece of shit.

No one died at Sandy Hook, especially no school children. Biggest hoax until Covid. A false flag like 9/11, but people died on 9/11.

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I’m sure you’re right, but I just haven’t gone into it myself so I won’t pretend to know.

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Good Grief! Where is your source to say that no children died at Sandy Hook? Just because Obama cried crocodile tears doesn't mean 26 kids didn't die that day. (Certainly Ms. Scarlett Lewis's son died, even Jones stated that.) It just means Obama is a sociopath, faking his emotions...like ALL sociopaths have to fake their feelings because they have none.

But hey, if you tell me your source for believing that about Sandy Hook, I'll check it out.

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I picture Trump at a Democrat Comedy Show, and he keeps blurting out the punchline to all of the jokes, spoiling the delivery, the timing. ... I wonder if the Obama story is just the introduction to something bigger. ... "Take this [shot] and shove it; I ain't working here no more!"

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That is a great way to think of it!

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I fell for this bullshit hook, line and sinker when it first came out. Then I got "it" in November 2020 and had to isolate from my family because my mom just had surgery. I still have a voicemail from the state police stating they have a vaccine for me.... which I refused then and refuse now.

It's funny ...there's always a life ending virus in the headlines.....yet we are all still here ....if we are still trying to wake people up and are waiting for the stragglers, I say let them go. What I'm really wondering is when we will be at the precipice because when I feel like we are there.....shit gets crazier.

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If you get sick this season, for God's sake, stay out of the Hospital

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I'm not worried. And yes, I stayed far away from the hospital the first time. The contact tracers harassed me until I made it clear that anyone who showed up at my door would be cooked and eaten.

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Chris Paul's Razor:

You don't need very many words to convey or demonstrate genius!

Example #1: Desanctimonious

Example #2: Fake News

Example #3: Party of False Decorum

Example #4: False Start

Many years ago, I read a sentence in a book that was pure gold. Unfortunately, I can't remember who wrote it or the exact quote. It goes something like this:

It takes high intelligence to recognize genius.

One could also say this:

Genius recognizes itself.

That's CP looking at DJT...and the rest of us looking at both of them!

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I think I found the quote I was looking for:

In the words of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, “Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius.”

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The times I have felt the sickest of my life, I have gone in, been tested, and they could not determine what it was. They always just gave some antibiotic (Cipro in one case) and magically it went away within a few days.

One time, maybe 15 years ago, I went in feeling absolutely fine for a regular check-in, they detected a slight fever and tested me for The Flu. The magic test told us that I allegedly had The Flu.

Does the name Elizabeth Holmes ring any bells?

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I just finished listening back to back yesterday’s and today’s episode just wow you never cease to amaze me brilliant as always 👏 I flew yesterday Inter island there was a lady across from me wearing a mask, I said to her Covid is over she looked at me and said didn’t you hear Covid is coming back I said really sarcastically and laughed she replied why I was laughing and I said to her you sound like a person who’s repeating what the television tell’s you to repeat and I left it at that, I didn’t want to cause a scene inside the aircraft which I would’ve 😂 but anyway landed in honolulu and at least 5% of the people there wore masks I’m like wtf 😬 is wrong with this world we live in these are the same people who believe to this day that illegitimate Biden got 81 million lawful votes none of them are awake. They’re all sleeping and it’s sad because they believe the false narrative. No one died of Covid it’s all lie’s and some still believe it to this present day. I remember back in 2020 everyone was living in fear, I wore a mask I’m not going to lie about it to doctors appointments and flying that’s the only time I wore it, we saw on National television that people were dropping like flies it wasn’t the deadly virus that they were calling that killed them it was the experimental gene therapy that killed them. I also remember while back you posted a video back on telegram doctors were doing a Covid test they added tap water on the vile and it came back positive for Covid what a joke that was unreal. I’m not at least surprised about Obama, being gay, he looks gay it caught my eye while back when Trump called him out that he wasn’t American citizen he was born in Kenya and Trump was right as always plus the girls that his claiming are his don’t look nothing like the Obamas. Thank you Chris you always on point with everything really appreciate that and your work have a great weekend and safe travels. 🙌👏🫶

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We should not forget the way they spun this narrative, and you are making sure of that.

Interestingly, as you point out, I have heard many people say they had some sort of respiratory illness in late 2019, similar to or worse than the flu. My sister in Houston had a severe respiratory illness that required hospitalization, after attending the big Rodeo and Livestock show there, late Nov I think. The doctors were not able to say what it was. Many there had something.

Then there was the national story about the death of a nursing home patient in a Seattle hospital in early January 2020. They said at the time, that was where the first death occurred nationwide. Remember? A Substack writer, Mike Huggins, lives there, and went to the hospital, and filmed there. He says it was not full, and he could not find evidence of any deaths, and cannot to this day find out the name of the supposed person who was the first one to die. Maybe I can find a recent Substack of his where he covered this again.

His Substack is called The Vaccine Reaper Report. This is a recent one, but not where he talks about that Seattle death.


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I'm blurry-eyed exhausted so I'll make this quick.

The uniparty has been trying to normalize trannies so that when Michelle (Michael) Obama finally comes out, people will have been continuously shamed to NOT criticize the he/she BS.

Joan Rivers outed both Obama for being gay and for Michael (Michelle) for being a trannie...before anyone, including the reporter, knew what the word "trannie" meant.

Joan explained.

And then was Clintonized during a very MINOR throat surgery.


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Another great episode…I especially love the Chris Paulisms, “Covid super fans,” and “the villagers.”

So funny!

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One of your best, Chris. Thank you. Also, please never stop saying DeeeeeeeSantis! 😂

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I fell asleep listening to this and had a dream that Chris was my buddy and we were hanging out all day. It was great!!!😁😁😁I’ll re-listen when i’m actually awake! 😉

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I came home late last night from the airport I was exhausted.

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I already miss your cast Chris. Damn GART! Lol Have a fabulous time with all the peeps. Bless!

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Dang. Amen. Amen. Amen. WTH has happened to colds, and the flu? Where has common sense gone? So freaking frustrating. So happy I don’t have kids currently in school.

FDA, CDC, WHO, etc are jokes IMHO. We are being lied to constantly, and they change the rules to fit their narratives constantly.

So thankful I kept my grandbaby. She’s never really seen masks on anyone in the family. I would like to look at how many people constantly wearing masks have gotten pneumonia, etc. There have now been studies, double blind, peer reviewed studies people should look in to. Especially involving masks etc. There are NO current accurate Covid tests. I don’t believe there ever has been.

Sorry for the long rant. I’m too emotional and frustrated at this point. Loved this podcast, Chris. Thank you! ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

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I will listen later Chris on yesterday’s episode and today’s just being busy hope you understand have a great afternoon 🫶

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