I don’t want an impeachment, I want an incarceration.

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I don’t want impeachment either, I want the old globalist puppet to be hanged for treason….

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Before I listen to this in its entirety, my two cents:

This inquiry will not lead to an impeachment, for several reasons. One being the de-nadded UniParty reps in Congress. Second, Biden's handlers will remove him before it can happen, using the 25th Amendment, or just a resignation.

Third, as you mention, Trump has other things in mind. After the country is assaulted by seeing the utter stupidity and incompetence of cackling Camela, the Dems will nominate a dark horse at the convention.

Many speculate who that will be. And it will put Obama dead center in the crosshairs.

I look forward to the finale of this show in 2024.

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Biden is illegitimate so there will be no impeachment.

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Agreed. One month we may know

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Yay! One of my favorite parts of the day, listening to some reasonable thoughts from my favorite host :)

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I look forward to listening every day too :-))

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I know, right? My face lights up every time 😊

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I think this impeachment exercise of Sleepy Joe will expose to Normieville what we all already know but is needed to awaken a broader audience.

Batshit Crazy Lady... pretty catchy :-))

You always make me laugh at least once each podcast.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I do agree with Chris that Matty G is doing what he’s supposed to be doing. I always catch myself NOT factoring psyOp and PsyAct options before I react emotionally. Damnit! At least I’m catching myself AS I listen, and not at all.

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Like it already brother!

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Ugh. Big whoop. Once again. Kevin McCarthy is a big joke. Yes. They are all for sale apparently. 🙄🙄. Oh yes. There’s tons on hard evidence.

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Key word...inquiry. Period. Gaslighting once again.

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Thank you sir for another fantastic episode as always really appreciate you and your hard work 🙏🏻🙌🫶👏

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“The hairy armpit women, the maskies and vaccies…” Chris Paul never fails to make me smarter, and make me laugh!

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Crazy conspiracy theory incoming!! What if Ron DeSantis is a symbol...the villain to "the Trump" hero? Listening to the different pronunciations of his own name, could Ron Duh-Santis be the original man, and Ron Dee-Santis be the character? He seems to be calling himself Dee-Santis more recently...

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Well, okay, but what does that help explain?

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To me, it shows that he might be playing a role. Just like Donald Trump seems to have a persona that makes him a symbol vs. just a person, Ron might have the kay fabe persona, too. I think he is probably compromised, seeing as who he is married to, but being controlled. It just seemed really weird that he didn't know how to pronounce his own name consistently, and it got me thinking.

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If 2020 is not overturned, Biden will go down as the worst president ever...which makes me wince because it steals the title from where it rightly belongs...Obama, the most EVIL of all.

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I still think that, if it makes normies and democrats aware of all the criminality, it will be a good thing.

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