I was laughing so hard I was crying starting at about the 21 minute mark of this podcast listening to the negotiations with the DS Rat Bastards who want to bomb the shit out of the middle east. I am sorry that you are catching shit from Normieville because you are pointing out the obvious absurdity they are trying to feed us but I am glad you are doing it. Thank you!!

You just want to take some of these Standard Issue Villagers (particularly family members) and hold them by their face and look deep into their eyes and honestly ask them IS THERE ANYONE IN THERE!!!

Keep bringing the heat, maybe it will break through.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Another big thumb's up. And I have to congratulate you on walking the fine line that avoids the lawfare antennae of (a) certain globalist, pseudo-religious, pseudo-righteous, truth-censoring, self-aggrandizing, criminal-protecting, 3-letter "agenc(y)ies." It's just not worth it when one can find other intelligent ways to get the same message across. Kudos.

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He’s the best. ❤️

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Another great show today, Chris. Ty!

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Thank you, as always, Chris. It's not as if free thinkers need validation for what we're thinking, as that kinda is the very definition of it...but is sure is great having you to articulate it so beautifully. Please, don't stop. :)

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The title of this episode speaks volumes. Great coverage as always Chris 👏 . You are helping us to help others navigate 👊 Good comments from everyone 👏. Be well and know that you are a Difference Maker 🍻✝️🌹🇺🇸

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Thanks for being one of the only people not afraid to push back right now. I've noticed a lot this week that random people in chats of live streams have been saying "I know somebody that died over there" Random comments on the internet aren't going to change my opinions on how fake everything has been the last few years. The burden of proof is on the people in power who continually benefit from bad things happening.

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Indeed. A SIV responded with this on FB

This is not old footage It really happened I know people that are over there. 🤡

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Yeah they always know people who are over there. Its never the actual people who are there making the comment. 🤔

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Awesome work Chris! Would love for some “disruptive ghosts in the machine” to help guide people even more.

The level of discernment needed for most people walking around is unbelievably high.

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Chris, don't know if you are already familiar with the blogger, Helena, or not, but if not, I'd recommend subscribing to and reading her short, pithy commentaries that, IMO, are timely and almost always spot on, written in her own unique style, including her latest from yesterday -- https://helenaglass.net/2023/10/11/why-do-we-support-israel/#comment-19847

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<<Outrage After Israel Told Gazans To Flee To Egypt, Then Bombed Lone Border Crossing>> -- this won't show up in the MSM, nor will the totals of dead and wounded, INCLUDING OLD WOMEN AND BABIES, except to state in some way that the Palestinians are "getting what they deserve," despite these victims most likely having nothing to do with any part of it -- https://www.activistpost.com/2023/10/outrage-after-israel-told-gazans-to-flee-to-egypt-then-bombed-lone-border-crossing.html

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I’m sorry Chris I’ll binge today’s episode tomorrow’s and Fridays episode this weekend I lost today one of my older dogs to thyroid cancer 😞

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So sorry to hear about your sweet dog. I have lost 4 dogs to cancer and 1 to something unknown. It is devastating. I have hope that one day I will see them again and know that I will see them in my dreams sometimes, alive and healthy. I hope the same for you. ❤️

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Thank you 🙏🏻 I lost dogs in the past too BoBo that was his name German shorthair pointer was my husband’s companion our family’s pet. I have 15 dogs 10 dachshunds three among them are seniors. I have BoBos sister with us she has cancer in the abdomen I took her to several veterinarians. They cannot operate. It’s a dangerous procedure. They gave me a 50-50 chance of survival so I have her on panacur for the past three years and she still with us 🙏🏻 all of our dogs, are spayed and neutered and they eat healthy grain free. Still don’t get the cancer though. I have a cocker spaniel senior 18 years old born 2005. She has a heart murmur stage four and on a special diet by the veterinarian. My other dog new member to the family is a Belgium Malinois 5 months old. I didn’t want another dog but my husband thought my cocker spaniel was on her way out due to the massive stroke she had 1 month ago and went got me another dog 🙄 btw I live on a farm in case you were wondering I have lots of space I have livestock as well and among others all pets.

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Oops, I read your reply right away, but didn’t have time to answer back and then I forgot about it until just now, sorry. Sounds like a lot stuff going on with lots of different dogs over the years. There was plenty of joy, too, I’m sure. Fifteen is definitely a lot of dogs! I have three large/giant breeds, and usually do have three, as I feel it’s a good number and usually the maximum that an HOA will permit! But I would probably have a lot more of them if I lived on a farm!

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No worries 😉

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Every time you said “bomb the shit out of...” (insert whoever/whatever)..I laughed out loud. Every single time. Thank you for that. Laughter is especially appreciated these days :))

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Loved the show. Such sneaky bastards are they. Yoda voice. But seriously, one has to stay ahead of the game. Thank you Chris for your thoughts and insight.

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I hear they are going to be Sky Circling in from the Med', next...

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These people are deranged they will say anything post anything to fear people that these are actual pictures of beheaded babies. We certainly know MSM is spreading false information they lied about stolen election they lied about January 6th they lied about Covid and they lie about everything. Thank you Chris for always spreading the truth and thank you for always being you 🙏🏻🫶👏

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Is the French DSA going to backfire, where the Left will end up getting censored and banned on X? (I just heard on DPH/Saturday that you and Patrick were practicing paragliding on go-carts [indoor skydiving] at his bachelor party. Sounds suspicious! Ha ha. Enjoy.)

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I really liked the way you conveyed your thinking starting around 20 min, portraying [them] as asking for our permission. You have a way of creating an entertaining way of describing what is very likely quite close to the reality of [their] thinking and acting.

Although I did not at all figure out that 9/11 was a False Flag in the first months or perhaps a year, I still (for whatever reason) kept myself out of the chorus in 2001. I knew far too much about what the (evil twin of the) "USA" did to other countries to feel we were a completely innocent victim.

My research in 2002 was my awakening. (It was a lonely place back then.)

For a 2 decades after that, I harbored frustration that nearly none of my peers could even consider the physical impossibilities that were shoved down our throats. Yes, in the months following, most of us were too traumatized to think straight. But 10...15...even 21 years later? I experimented last year and found far too many of my peers still raging at the thought I could commit such a sin as to question any of it. (Funny, they never have counter arguments to any of the data I present. It's just unthinkable that I even discuss any of it.)

You speak often of the reruns. Well, in a sense, this is sort of like that, don't you think (Recycled psyop rather than reiterated new item)? They even call it "Israel's 9/11". Is that going to be a fatal mistake? WE know how true that comparison is, but not for the same reason as [they] are saying it.

Compared to 2001, my normie (former) peers are VERY quiet. In fact, I must say, they don't seem to be discussing anything even close to "news", be it fake or not. They are eerily quiet and I am curious. [Clearly, I don't really interact with those normie peers any longer. Most of them live on the east or west coast, and their behavior in '20-'21 and my choosing to not keep my mouth shut more or less severed all of those relationships.]

Just as an aside, are you aware of the prediction made by the Remote Viewers at https://futureforecastinggroup.com ? They recently released a video showing how accurately they foresaw the events of last weekend a month or so in advance. They interestingly referred to those potential event as another 9/11 (not having any idea where on the planet they would occur). They recently have also said that not all that they foresaw has occurred yet.

Clif High, who many at Badlands have interviewed, also shared (last month) what he was seeing (via his webbots) as a potential coming our way. In fact, he too compared it to 9/11, but expected to see about 13 times more emotion resulting as compare to then. (His webbots saw 9/11 coming before it occurred, but not with any specific detail.) He says we are now only 1/3 of the way there. He anticipates two more events before year end. He thinks this is not going to work out well for [them] ultimately.

Since I am a woo guy, I'll also share this. I follow Eric Francis Coppolino. He does amazing mundane astrological readings. [These are chart readings about events rather than people.] This is what he posted on Facebook:

"I didn’t think the chart would be this blatant.

In the 10/7 chart, Israel — by which I mean the government and not the people — is a one-man band. They are both sides of the conflict. It goes further than saying they “let it happen.” The chart points to their actually having done it. Whether this was Mossad undercover in Gaza pretending to be Hammas or something else, I don’t know, but all roads lead back to Israel.

They are the victim, they are the open enemy, they are the secret enemy, they are the political actor, they are the social actor and they are the apparent beneficiary.

However, the chart’s telling of events seems to end with some final self-destructive act.

Meanwhile they present themselves as standing tall, a beacon in the night, the protector of the homeland, singing the Hatikvah in three part harmony with tears welling up in their eyes.

I wish there was some other interpretation supported, but I can see no other way to read this chart."

[Eric has read and reread the 9/11 charts repeatedly over the years and his findings are very interesting. Furthermore, he did a mudane chart reading of the '21 inauguration a month or two before the election. It was funny to hear him state that whatever was happening at that time, it was not something real. Ain't THAT the truth!]

I share these things not to convince anyone of anything. But if your interest is piqued, Look 'em up.

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