Chris I’m watching daily I’m not on the chat but Kyle DID say on DPH wed that he looked into the baby story listed all his sources who he claimed were unassailable and got really snippy with the person I believe it was a rumble rant basically saying the guy was lazy. Jon asked Kyle if he’d really seen pictures he said yes and he doubled down and said with all the important people backing up the story not possible it was fake. If you have time look it up. Im almost positive it was a response to a rumble rant. He was very patronizing and pissed me off to be honest. I didn’t believe he knew what he was talking about and I wanted to tell you also that he said that just like the guy in the chat did. Just Bec we repeat what he said doesn’t mean we believed him. I thought here we go again with his stuff. PS. He said last week on defected that if trump put rfk on his ticket people wouldn’t vote for trump. When the truth is trump could put Adam schiff on the ticket and MAGA would still vote for him. He was all doubling down on this too. What’s the matter with him.

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Love Kyle, but he’s wrong. It’s okay. It happens.

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When Kyle thinks he’s right, he gets somewhat pompous . He said when Weiss was appointed special counsel that was a great thing. It actually was horrible because they could now withold evidence from Congressional investigations. My regard for his opinion continues to diminish.

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I think he’s probably right on the Weiss thing. We’ll see. The decapitated babies thing is a clear miss.

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He’s wrong about rfk too although that is certainly a more subjective topic.

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Someone said in a comment stream recently y’all need to watch him and I thought yep I agree with that.

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Slicker than snot on a doorknob eh?

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Shouldn't happen like that in my opinion. But I guess we all get cranky in times like these. Ha! I know I do. At your convenience please see my other note to you also about the immigration that I wrote in the middle of the night bec I couldn't sleep after watching Tucker! Maybe you could address on a podcast when time permits.

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Haven’t listened to Tucker yet. But okay.

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I never automatically believe the Fake News any more, nor any government source, nor any of their cheerleaders online. I don't know what Hamas may have done in this situation, but I remember the first Gulf War and how the reports of atrocities by Iraqi soldiers during the invasion of Kuwait nearly gave me nightmares...and turned out not to be true. The fake reports were a way to prevent the people of the USA and the other coalition countries from thinking clearly, and to get us so emotionally worked up that we would be onboard with military intervention, and thus allow the Regime to go bully Iraq.

Anyway, no matter what Hamas militants may have done, there is STILL NO EXCUSE FOR GENOCIDE. Arrest whoever did evil acts and bring them before a tribunal, but do not attempt, or even threaten, to destroy an entire people.

The Regime puppeteers are depraved psychopaths. They are the real enemies of Humanity, and the time to wake up to that fact is NOW.

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Chris I don’t believe or watch CNN or other Networks, I don’t believe MSM either. Why would I listen to garbage I see it all day long on X it’s pathetic people actually believe that those were burned babies or beheaded babies,I saw the picture to me the baby had his or her head attached to it’s body. I don’t like Ben Shapiro he’s an a***s he makes fun of christianity I came across a video on X apparently he was on Rogan show saying that Jesus was just another Jew, who tried to lead a revolt and was killed for his troubles and he wasn’t a prophet and never performed any miracles and was not raised from the dead. Can you imagine insulting Jews like Ben Shapiro insults Christianity this is appalling that man is pure evil. No I don’t believe what the media is saying they lie about everything they lied about our stolen elections they lied about January 6th they lied about Covid and they are lying about Trump.

Thank you Chris for another smashing episode as always stay safe on the road have a fantastic weekend 🙏🏻👏🫶

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Chris - so you say everything we know has already happened. I listened to Tuckers episode about the border and the MILLIONS who are here illegally and still coming and I heard Bannon say during the week what sounded to me (could have misunderstood) like he didn't think it would be possible to deport all those people. I find this so alarming and worrisome. How does this situation correspond to the warmonger situation we have going on here at the same time, the focus overseas and not here. I get what you say about not blindly accepting the baby story etc and how to stand against that - but what about all these invaders we have here in our country. Can you please address this when you get back? Share what understanding you have about this? What has already happened here? Like how Putin sees the present - what is the present here? Tucker talks about how Texas so overrun and Abbott does nothing. Thats so close to Louisiana. I just listened to this podcast twice and I want to know how would we apply these concepts to what is taking place here. It just seems like it may be too late if we have to wait for January25 to start to try to deal with it because its so continuous and overwhelming.

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Best 5 bucks I’ve ever spent!

I was thinking about the comparison of the “new War” and the murdering of innocent humans in the MSM to that of our current US boarder situation. You nailed it in this pod cast. I’m starting to think like Chris Paul. Lol as long as we don’t start looking alike 😂 just a bit of fun on a Friday..Much love all !

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I love how you analyze and then limit yourself to what you've analyzed. I like that kind of honesty. So keep informing yourself so your limits of analysis can continue to expand.

For instance, I understand why you say things like (paraphrasing), "I have no problem believing the Hamas are evil and could do those vile things...I'm not disputing that." Ok. You probably believe that because you have no particular reason NOT to believe that (yet), and so you grant that concession by putting it under the "but that's not the main point" topic, but at the same time you're leaving that "soft" accusation out there floating in the breeze. We really SHOULD have a problem believing ANYTHING the M'stry of Truth tries to convince us of, as you have stated many times. So yes, you should have a problem believing that.

Yet, if perhaps you DID have a more evidentiary reason to question that statement, you might have a little stronger moral and informational basis to state that semi-non-accusation a little differently, like, "I don't know for a fact that Hamas would not do such vile things, BUT I've learned from a number of informed sources that that is most definitely NOT their MO; and still, that's not the main point." That then allows you to continue with your topic without leaving a defamatory connotation towards the Hamas hanging out there to be picked up and run with by someone less careful than you. (And of course we are totally aware of what infiltration of a group by those that WOULD do those things looks like -- eg, consider the proud boys and the federal bureau of infiltration, er, investigation, et al.)

So, toward that end, here's an interesting article from today by Caitlin Johnstone, <<This is Exactly What it Looks Like>> https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/10/no_author/this-is-exactly-what-it-looks-like/ ... where she quotes someone saying exactly that about the Hamas on Tw-X: https://twitter.com/NobleQAli/status/1711832964005294485/photo/1

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So Chris. The poll. Babies:Paragliders (1st Paragliding Go-Kart Division)

Spit coffee all over myself. NO ONE can counter a narrative like you can!

I voted with the majority BTW.

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What I find the most disturbing about the emotional hijacking to convince us to back their agenda, is that the sleeping people don't relinquish their emotional support when the story is found to be false. They don't scale back or withdraw their trust in the (false) storytellers. Time after time over the last several years, we've been told false stories by the same liars who resemble the sleaziest of salesmen. Enough! I am not buying what they're selling, and in many cases I won't even entertain their arguments. Even engaging with them about those arguments is pointless: I'm busy, and have bigger fish to fry. That's why I've turned to mockery, and hopefully they'll wake up when confronted with the lunacy of what they have been LED to believe.

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What I find the most disturbing about the emotional hijacking to convince us to back their agenda, is that the sleeping people don't relinquish their emotional support when the story is found to be false. They don't scale back or withdraw their trust in the (false) storytellers. Time after time over the last several years, we've been told false stories by the same liars who resemble the sleaziest of salesmen. Enough! I am not buying what they're selling, and in many cases I won't even entertain their arguments. Even engaging with them about those arguments is pointless: I'm busy, and have bigger fish to fry. That's why I've turned to mockery, and hopefully they'll wake up when confronted with the lunacy of what they been LED to believe.

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