Finally caught up on the last 3 episodes. Woot. I'm officially more caught up with this podcast than I am with telegram, and my documentation for my day job.

First, I think Chris was a mole, who immersed himself in the Hollywood community a.these years, like Trump did. I think it's awesome. I love hearing how ridiculous those people are 🤣

Second, I like the different perspectives on Mike Johnson but I still don't have a good feeling about him. But the fog of war is thick. We aren't supposed to know what's really happening....although I think Chris does. However if this is truly a military operation and something major is going to happen, we won't see it coming. And that's fine. I just tell myself to be patient.

Here's to a government shutdown 🙌

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This was a great podcast. Very measured thinking and analysis, but deep. I still tend to view things initially on a surface level but as soon as I hear your deeper takes I go yeah yeah yeah. Im sure I'm not alone and I think you are at least "directionally", like you like to say, making the correct assessments. As usual!

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Denying election fraud and the stolen 2020 election is a litmus test to me also, and I agree, any ConInc Republican who does so is actually working against the best interests of the American people. In other words, a traitor.

How were there ANY Republicans who actually voted against impeaching Mayorkas? Not only should he be impeached, he should be charged with treason.

Yes, seems that the Republican establishment RINOs are being exposed for all to clearly see.

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Your podcasts and X posts are excellent tools to prompt MAGA to start thinking critically and independently. Love it.

My (developing) take: 👇

MAGA should not worry about

either the debt ceiling waiver or the budget CR “own goals” by the house GOP. Neither are going to be a long term impediment to the MAGA agenda.

My reasoning: the debt ceiling 2-year waiver achieves 2 major MAGA objectives.

First it accelerates the political risk to the regime by bringing America ever closer to financial disaster. Preempting that process hands an unnecessary symbolic victory to the regime.

Second and more important, it allows full funding of measures initiated by Trump in 2017 to bring down the traitors within all branches of the federal, state and local governments, as well as the judiciary and civil service.

These measures are costing billions to implement (eg think about the law enforcement cost of catching those profiting from the border, benefiting from election fraud, rigging the pharmaceutical and banking industries, just for starters) and could have been jeopardized by forced budget cuts before all the guilty actors are caught and exposed.

In that sense, the bid to freeze any increases in the debt ceiling and imposing budget discipline are, if anything, premature.

Similarly, the ongoing “caving” by seemingly MAGA operatives like Speaker Johnson is a question of playing a waiting game. Acting too soon would be fatal for America. Here’s why.

Ending the scandalously corrupt budget allocation and approval process has to be a permanent solution. Cutting corners or ending enforcement activities too soon means the corruption hydra will not be slain.

Additionally, both are steps appropriately conducted by Trump and congress during an openly Trump presidency.

Doing so under an imposter would undercut the symbolism and could risk incorrectly being listed by historians as a monumental reform enacted by Resident Biden.

Remember, the only good commie is a _____ commie.

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Who wrote the pledge of allegiance.??.. Why do we pledge to a national flag instead of our state flag.?? The same way republicans and democrats act like there are 2 different parties. Chris is explaining, clearly there are not too different parties.. Before anyone signed the federal constitution, they made it clear in many speeches that it was their intention to always Remember their state was first, their country.. Example, Virginia stated that any contract that virginia holds with another country must remain in effect before and after signing the federal constitution and becoming part of the union. Their state constitution was most important and the federal Constitution was second. Remember the states were creating the federal government at the time. It doesn't mean you're not patriotic. It means you're more patriotic to your own Bureau and county and state. You must side eye the federal government always like the way we are today, as if they could be, and will be the bad guys and clearly are.

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Chris, how does your mind work so incredibly and thoroughly different from everyone else's? I had to listen to this three times before I could completely grasp everything you were pointing out. I agree with everything you surmised and am very thankful, coming into Thanksgiving, to have this much to be thankful for. God bless you, Chris. Please be safe. Watch your back. I will continue to be praying for you! ❤️✝️

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Enjoyed your podcast today, I agreed with all your points.

I think Speaker Johnson may just be the horse Trump plans to ride in 2024, but the who is not as important as the what. As much as I hoped and prayed for the 1st domino to fall in 2023 It looks like things are going to roll into 2024. I look at all the narratives that are circling the drain and believe that once we get the first BOOM all the other dominos will fall too. As you say the Speaker cannot pass anything that will actually help us, what is going to happen according to the Plan is going to happen regardless as to who is Speaker. All the narratives to date are used to get everyone to look here while the other hand is moving things there. I think this is true for WH as well as DS Rat Bastards.

So I continue to ignore ALL of the BREAKING NEWS... bla, bla, bla. There is no reason to get worked up about any narrative especially when it is 1st deployed.

I choose to simply continue to pray and stay ComfyAF!!!

Keep the hits coming and keep serving up all those shit sandwiches on X to all the Commies:-))

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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