So Chris - very curious to hear what you have to say here - but this weekend - in Louisiana we went to the polls and put Republicans in EVERY state wide office and super majorities in the House and Senate. And here in Lafayette we got out our pitchforks - like every good patriotic citizen should do - and went over the head and endorsement of Clay Higgins and ousted an Uber corrupt lying thieving perjuring mayor after just one term and put another Republican in his place. Made an example of him. And we sent the Speaker of the House to DC to boot. So we are doing our part down here to take back our country one city and state at a time!! and now on to November 24.

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Hopefully things are on the up and up in Louisiana. It's possible!

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I’m hoping too. The air around me does feel different though since we got rid of the crook. He stole all the money we had. We are constantly on the alert. Clay is having trouble adjusting to the scrutiny. But tough. It’s eyes 👀 on now. Check out his Twitter from yesterday. He was standing at a war memorial crying saying we need to vote better. If there’s a state that voted better than we did where the hell is it. We’d been saying we HAVE to be able to vote the bad ones out or we’re f-ed. so it was sweaty palms I gotta tell you. As it is we have Cassidy and Kennedy in the senate still. But so much credit goes to you and Bannon and badlands for teaching us how to navigate through these things. I live grateful for you seriously.

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WOW... the Commies are falling apart... Glorious!!!

How bad must the real internal polls be that all these DS Rat Bastards are now starting to admit that Sleepy Joe is going to get his ass kicked when we have a free and fair election.

I was laughing hysterically when you were describing the Liddle Jamie Rat-skin audio.

This was a great way to kickstart my week. Thanks!!!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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This is bunch of crap what they’re doing to our President DJT I’m so sick of it. I’m trying to stay away from politics but when it comes to our President I flare up and when they say the best candidate is Biden for 2024 I lose my mind.🤬 NA 🤚 NA 🤚 NA 🤚 MALAKES! ( Sorry my Greek gets the best of me when it comes to clowns 🤡 on social media) derange individuals get my Greek blood pumping when I hear the leftist talk BS all day long about our President Trump . Thank you Chris fantastic episode as always 🙏🏻🫶👏

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When we are told we were right for the wrong reasons and they were wrong for the right reasons . Or Sam Harris saying Bret Weinstein was ethically wrong even though he was actually correct, I don't think the people have learnt anything.

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The forgiveness thing is not a good idea. It does encourage a repeat. I did this with my mother for years. She never had to see that she was wrong until the black sheep said, "Baaaaaaaack off!" Yes, everyone comes against you as the mother cries. Alone is just fine.

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Yes and Dear Naomi - note to self. You gonna see the same attitude on display when the deportations start. It’s gonna be so sorry but wrap up your newborn and get out.

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Candice Owens is NOT America first. AF women stay home and raise their kids!

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HOMESCHOOL Whenever possible.

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I homeschooled my daughter before it was actually legal in Houston. We had surveyors on our street one day and we put our books aside and went out and talked to them. For math she would take coupons, to the grocer with us, and have to figure out which brand and coupon made the best buy. She cooked to learn half and quarter and how to read and follow directions. Oh, yes, we had workbooks, too, but learning is so much more. She started out a shy kindergartener, who dry heaved every morning, to a first grader who would ask intelligent questions of sales persons in a department store. It was remarkable! I did work part time at our church and would take her with me, then, and when I worked elections as a poll worker. I guess I was kind and of like being an apprentice of life! When she went to community college she received high grades and honors. She then substituted as a teacher at a Christian school at 16.

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I love this story. I really believe when Trump comes back and the economy starts to heal and moms can stay home, homeschooling will be the way of our world. Because everyone who has been exposed to homeschooling families and the kids it produces knows stories like yours.

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I wish I could have homeschooled our son, but he was 8yrs older than our daughter and was in high school when I started teaching her. I was determined to be a SAHM and take care of our kids. I think a lot of it is lifestyle choices. We lived in a 1050sq ft house that cost $45,000. My husband was paid $200/week Our interest, in 1978 was 10¼% and was going up, quickly, so we bought. House payment was $475/mtg. We paid our 30yr mortgage off in 15yrs. My husband was a Machinist. We ate a lot of eggs, hot dogs, fish sticks, soup and tuna. We didn't have soda (drank iced tea) in our house or even go to McDonalds because we couldn't afford it. I shopped at Goodwill or garage sales for just about everything. No cable TV, and, if we went to the movies, it was at the dollar theater. We only had one car, until our daughter was 10, and I took my husband to work when I had to take the kids to the Doctor. I grocery shopped in the evening or on Saturday. The woman down the street, in a house twice the size of ours once told me that she wished she could stay home like I did... They had 2 cars, a motor home and ate out at least 3 times a week. I cut all our hair and mowed our lawn and painted the house and fixed broken things, sewed curtains and my husband learned to change the oil and the brake pads and put in a disposal, etc. if we vacationed it was in a tent, somewhere and the kids would have a blast. Never had my hair done, or my nails or had a pedicure. I wasn't a saint, but I had some good (though imperfect) role models growing up, and felt a responsibility to do my best for my family. Sadly, I think that attitude is missing, today. I'm almost 69 and my husband and I live in a 2100sq ft house, for which we paid $189,000, because we wanted room when our kids and their families visit from out of town. We bought this house after 34yrs in the other one and paid it off after 5 yrs. We're still not monetarily rich but, still don't have cable TV and only eat out 3 or 4 times a year and pay our credit cards off every month. We only have one car, again, because we're retired. If anyone thinks we didn't have problems: I had 3 miscarriages at 3-5 months, ovarian tumors, thyroid cancer, pituitary tumor, 2 detached retinas (all before I was 35); husband had knee surgery, we had our car stolen, the house damaged by a hurricane (twice), and between the 2 kids - a broken arm, a broken ankle, 2 front teeth knocked out and our son was hit by a car while riding a bike. My husband worked as many overtime hours as they'd let him have so only made about half of the kids soccer, baseball and football games. Not a glamorous life but no debt and 6 grandkids. It's not been easy but, we've been blessed. Not judging anyone, but lifestyle choices have consequences and we're responsible for those.

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Salt of the earth American Patriots. The kind of people we go to when we need advice. The people who set the example of how to keep this country going while we were headed toward that precipice. That's who you and your husband are.

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Thank you, but now this...

Please pray for my husband Wade. He's been having blood clots in his urine and today, he looked kind of weird and I made him take his BP and it was 69/46. His brother took him to the ER because I don't drive (neuropathy in my right foot). He left at 3:30 but just texted me this:

From Wade:

"Losing to much blood.

My hemoglobin is too low. It is 8 anything less than an 8 they give you blood. They are going to keep me here tonight. Bummer."

They tried to take blood to test and nothing would come out of the veins in the crook of his arms. They got some from his hand. Please pray he doesn't need a transfusion. Most blood is tainted with the Vaxx. 😢. I would give him blood but I have A and he has O. Just please pray! Urologist went to a month ago hasn't done anything and Wade could have died if I hadn't made him go to the emergency room!

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Got to ask yourself would they forgive you?

Never forgive never forget.

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Can you even imagine if the tables were turned.

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There won’t be any amnesty sorry Naomi. She needs to get familiar with how people feel about this. Lessons must be learned. Like you said Silence - sit on it. Its gonna be a loooong few years coming up for those people. She’s deeply deeply out of touch where this is concerned- to the point she sounds downright silly. Every word you said about all this is right on.

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