You're all so cool. Listening now, sure wish that I caught the live stream. 👏🍻👏 Be well and God bless you all ✝️🌹❤️

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Livestream was awesome 👏 thank you again Chris 🙏🏻

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Very cool 😎

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In the same way that there are two Americas and two Israels, there are two “Christendoms” (I don’t know if that’s a legit word, but well, it is now). It is ridiculous to think that the globalists (evil ruling entities, spiritual, wickedness in high places) who have been lying to the world for all these years, did not try to infiltrate our religious systems to lead us in toward a way of thinking that would protect their interests. As one who has been a believer in Jesus for over 50 years, and as someone who previously bought into “protect Israel at all costs” and “Israel can do no wrong“ I have now come to understand that there are so many things that have been misconstrued on earth that we have got to learn to hear the Holy Spirit for ourselves, and let him help us interpret scriptures, and not depend on some religious leader, or even some doctrines of the churches we have been affiliated with. Denominational religions have criticized the Catholic Church for this very thing, while in essence doing the same thing. Jesus said “my sheep know my voice.” he didn’t say “my lambs know my voice.” Let’s grow up and be adults and hear the Lord for ourselves. Jesus also said that it is “better for you that I go away, because the Holy Spirit will then come and live inside YOU and lead you and guide you into all truth.” He also promises that if we “ask for a fish, he will not give us a stone. In other words, if we ask him to lead us to the truth, (He is the way, the Truth and the Life) he will give us what we ask.

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As a marginally tech savvy curmudgeon, I was not able to connect to the live stream. However, it’s all good. Your making it possible to catch you after the fact fixes all. I truly enjoy your podcast and try to make it to everyone one. I, too, am open to changing my mind on matters… though, so far, I’ve always been right… except for that one time. LOL. Blessings, Chris. Keep up the good work.

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There is basically zero chance of that, at least until the end of this phase.

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